New Pics Of Emma Watson & Logan Lerman In ‘The Perks Of Being A Wallflower’

It’s hard to believe, but after a decade of conquering our multiplexes and turning everybody including your Mom into an expert on the series, the “Harry Potter” franchise is over (until they figure out a way to reboot it). And thus, the young cast, who are now all grown up, will need to venture for the first time into the industry without the comfort of a franchise to fall back on. For Emma Watson, the actress has boldly taken steps into her post-‘Potter’ career, cutting her hair short, taking a supporting role in “My Week With Marilyn” and taking her first non-tentpole lead in “The Perks Of Being A Wallflower.”

Based on the book by Stephen Chbosky—who is also directing—”The Perks Of Being A Wallflower” centers on a shy, unpopular teenager (Logan Lerman) who, through a series of letters to an anonymous person, explores his awkward adolescence including drug use, abuse and sexuality in 1991 Pittsburgh. The book is treasured by many, making this adaptation a cautious prospect for some, though it’s certainly not lacking in talent. Mae Whitman, Nina Dobrev, Paul Rudd and Johnny Simmons are also part of the cast, but the success of the film will be determined by how directly it deals with the issues brought up in the book, though with Chbosky at the helm that shouldn’t be a problem. We’re also curious as to what the soundtrack might be like since the novel also references songs from bands like The Beatles, Ride, Smashing Pumpkins and Pink Floyd — not cheap by any means, and we figure the indie production may have to work around some of those things.

There’s no release date for the film yet, so these pictures will have to suffice for now, but you can probably expect the film to pop up sometime in 2012. [via CinemaBlend]

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