Summit Grabs Release Dates For ‘Red 2,’ ‘Warm Bodies,’ ‘Ender’s Game,’ ‘Now You See Me,’ Others

Even though they’ve had a quiet year, with “Source Code” and “50/50” being their biggest hits, Summit is merely laying low, with two larger efforts slotted for Christmas time releases: “The Darkest Hour,” and some obscure vampire film about marriages and babies. It makes sense that the next step is for the studio to go from mini-major to major, and they’re doing that in a big way today, announcing release dates for a few pretty large upcoming films.

First up, long-in-development sci-fi saga “Ender’s Game.” While “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” felt like it was directed by a contest winner, there was actually someone with a pedigree behind the camera. That man, Oscar winner Gavin Hood, is directing and re-writing a script penned by Orson Scott Card, based on the popular series of books. With Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman producing, this is likely Summit’s next stab at a huge youth blockbuster, and the studio will find out on March 15th, 2013 when it hits theaters. That places the film against Warner Bros.’ “Arthur And Lancelot” and smack in the middle of a pretty fantasy-heavy month, one that includes “Oz: The Great And Powerful“, “Percy Jackson: Sea Of Monsters” and Neill Blomkamp‘s “Elysium“.

Also hitting in the early months of 2013 is the FBI-vs.-magician-bank-robbers thriller “Now You See Me.” Louis Leterrier‘s next picture’s got a great cast, including Mark Ruffalo, Jesse Eisenberg, Morgan Freeman, Woody Harrelson, Isla Fisher and Melanie Laurent, and it will roll out on January 18th, 2013. Given how sparse January usually is, it’s sure to be our first anticipated film of that year, though it’s joining a very crowded date, paired up against Arnold Schwarzenegger‘s “The Last Stand” and a 3D re-release of “Monsters Inc.

While the project doesn’t really seem franchise-worthy, Summit is going all in with “Red 2,” and they’ll be bringing back the cast of that geriatric action movie after the first film’s nearly $200 million worldwide gross. Summit is assuming the bloom won’t be off the rose for Bruce Willis fans, as he has six films slated for release in 2012. “Red 2” will be coming six months after “A Good Day To Die Hard,” landing on August 2nd, 2013. There’s no director on-board yet, but Breck Eisner is the name being thrown around, with filming likely set for the middle of 2012. Maybe they can try actually adapting something from the source material this time around.

In other franchise news, “Warm Bodies” is set to be another attempt for Summit to tap that “Twilight” fanbase. Jonathan Levine is directing the adaptation of the existential zombie romance, with Nicholas Hoult and Teresa Palmer flanked by Rob Coddroy, John Malkovich and Dave Franco. The film opens in the heart of summer next August 10th, facing formidable competition in the Will Ferrell/Zack Galifianakis comedy “Dog Fight,” and a week after the double action whammy of “Total Recall” and “The Bourne Legacy.” One of these movies is going to flop hard. We don’t want to make any guesses, but, okay, “Total Recall.”

That same month, Summit unleashes found footage horror film “Sinister,” headlined by Ethan Hawke and Vincent D’Onofrio. Directed by Scott Derrickson (“Hellraiser: Inferno“), the film hits on August 24th, 2012, against “Premium Rush.” And finally, what you’ve all been waiting for… Summit bumped “Step Up 4Ever” (possibly just “Step Up 4,” but wouldn’t THAT be boring?) from August next year to July 27th 2012, against Fox‘s “Neighborhood Watch.” [BoxOfficeMojo]

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