Everyone loves a good cinematic love story. But for those of us who aren’t living our happily ever afters with the loves of our lives, it can be hard to watch a swoon-worthy romance on Netflix without feeling a bit wistful and sad. That’s particularly true if you’re dealing with a case of the break-up blues.

Thankfully, no one is truly alone alone in front of a TV screen. As long as there have been romance films, there have been break-up films; movies that capture the pain and anguish of a relationship dying, leaving those involved picking up the pieces.

One of the most acclaimed American classics of all time, Michael Curtiz’s “Casablanca,” is at its core a story about having to say goodbye to the person you love. The destruction of relationships or marriages has proven fertile ground for modern directors as well, from Noah Baumbach’s “Marriage Story” to Derek Cianfrance’s “Blue Valentine.” And break-up stories don’t even need to be sad; they can take the form of hundreds of different genres, from action films like “Kill Bill” to horror movies like “Midsommar” to thrillers like “Gone Girl.” Sometimes, a break-up story can even be a fizzy and uplifting rom-com itself; think of the dozens of people who have watched “Bridget Jones’ Diary” millions of times, because there is nothing better than cozying up all by your lonesome and getting lost in a film.

We’ve rounded up the best break-up movies to heal your heart when love has you down in the dumps — and even help you get over your former partner. Forget romance; there is nothing more powerful than blazingly painful, furiously electric heartbreak. So instead of texting your ex during your lowest moment, whip up a lovely meal for one and binge these classics.

Warning: There are some spoilers for films that have been readily available for decades, plus lots of Ryan Gosling because no other actor can simultaneously cheer us up while making us bawl. And, there will be no inclusions of “The Break-Up” (too on the nose) or “The Notebook” (too…we can’t even talk about it). Entries are listed in chronological order.

With editorial contributions from Wilson Chapman. [Editor’s note: This list was originally published February 2022 and has since been updated.]

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