There are a lot of reasons a movie’s release date can be pushed back, from COVID-19 restrictions to contract disputes. Although a continuous timeline seems ideal for everyone involved, things don’t always go as planned. These obstacles test creative teams’ resilience as much as they test audiences’ patience. 

Pre-production, filming, editing, and release can be a seamless transition but that often isn’t the case. There are times a movie collects dust, tucked away for months and sometimes years after shooting. Other times its creation is interrupted during filming or even before production has begun, inching the project away from the finish line. Regardless of why a movie gets delayed, one thing can be agreed upon by any production crew: getting things right is hard sometimes. The logistics that go into crafting a film that the audience hopefully considers a work of art is challenging. Unfortunately for filmmakers, myriad factors come into play that weigh on production. Whether it be budgetary concerns, script issues, safety concerns, or another curveball not accounted for by producers, something that appears to be a small hiccup can drastically alter a film’s readiness.

At the start of the decade, hope that a film would be released on time was bleak due to strict pandemic safety guidelines. It was truly an unprecedented time in Hollywood that shook the entertainment industry. Up until 2020, there was nothing that halted movie projects like gathering and social distancing regulations. Highly anticipated productions like “The Batman” and “Black Widow” were put on hold while crews scrambled to adapt to a world in crisis.

Most films only face a year or two postponement, but others endure much longer suffering. Movies like “Accidental Love” have been shelved three times as long — seven years in that case — before eventually resurfacing. Some projects drift away only to be canceled before they’re forgotten forever. Needless to say, movies are an investment and a gamble. No matter how proactive a production team decides to be, there is no guarantee their movie will make it to theaters. Not only are time and money lost in these cases but correcting a project that went off the rails can spell headaches and heartbreaks for artists.

Read on for a list of movies that significantly exceeded their initial deadlines. It is incomplete and will be updated over time. Also check out IndieWire’s guide to Nightmare Movie Shoots: The Most Grueling Films Ever Made.

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