Here is an exclusive clip from the forthcoming romantic dramedy “Hit By Lightning,” written and directed by Ricky Blitt, and stars Jon Cryer, Will Sasso, Stephanie Szostak, and Jed Rees.

READ MORE: A Talk With Jon Cryer: Sundance, Superbowl, and Suds

Protagonist Ricky (Cryer) is down in the proverbial dumps, convinced that no “10” would ever go out with him. His best friend Seth (Sasso) pushes him to take chances and be more confident, and sure enough, Ricky means Danity (Szostak), who seems perfect at first. Unfortunately, she soon reveals that she is married. Though she says she wants to be with Ricky, she is afraid of the repercussions of leaving her husband — her solution? Ricky should kill her husband so they can livehappily ever after.

Note the Lena Dunham-esque blurring of fiction and reality: The director/writer shares a name with the lead protagonist, who, incidentally might look oddly familiar — he’s Duckie from “Pretty in Pink!” 

Check the clip out below:

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