Alexia Fast Boards Christopher McQuarrie’s ‘One Shot’ Starring Tom Cruise

Little known model-turned-actress Alexia Fast has joined Christopher McQuarrie‘s adaptation of Lee Child‘s 2005 novel “One Shot” starring Tom Cruise.

The actress will play a “seductive young siren involved in a setup of Cruise’s character,” Jack Reacher, an ex-military man and drifter who is drawn into the case of a military sniper accused of five murders and discovers a twisty cover-up along the way. Fast joins the strong, ever-growing supporting cast already in place which will see Rosamund Pike play the attorney defending the accused man, David Oyelowo as a homicide detective in charge of the case and Richard Jenkins, who features as a district attorney who prosecutes the sniper.

The film will see Cruise reunite with McQuarrie who made a name for himself scripting “The Usual Suspects” but has recently been a go-to writer for Cruise, working with the actor on such projects like “Valkyrie” and “Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol.” This will be McQuarrie’s second directorial effort after 2000’s “The Way Of The Gun” starring Ryan Phillipe, Benicio Del Toro and Juliette Lewis.

Cruise continues to be criticized for being a fraction of the physically imposing, 6’5″ and 250 lbs protagonist described in the novel but, at the end of the day, since when was Hollywood casting accurate anyway? Lensing on the Paramount film is set to begin this October in Pittsburgh. [THR]

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