Bryan Cranston Drafted For ‘World War Z’

Update: despite a Vulture report that said Matthew Fox had dropped out of “World War Z“, recent snaps of the actor on set suggest otherwise.

While “Gangster Squad” lost the actor to scheduling conflicts, it looks as if “World War Z” has found a way to get the very in-demand Bryan Cranston into the film.

THR reports that Cranston is set to take a “small but flashy” part in the thriller that is now lensing. Maybe he’s taking the part vacated by Ed Harris? Guess we’ll see. Marc Forster directs the Black List-approved story by J. Michael Straczynski (with rewrites by Matthew Michael Carnahan) that is set in the aftermath of an undead apocalypse which has wiped out much of the world’s population, and sees Brad Pitt playing a U.N. researcher investigating the outbreak. “Game Of Thrones” star Elyes Gabel also stars.

It’s yet another project on the plate for Cranston who has “Drive,” “Contagion,” “Red Tails,” “John Carter,” “Rock Of Ages,” “Total Recall” and “Argo” all coming up. For most actors (hello Nicolas Cage or Jason Statham) this kind of constant exposure might wear us out, but when it comes to Cranston? Bring it on. No release date set for “World War Z” yet but it’s expected to hit in 2012.

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