Supermodel Marisa Miller Will Be Jeff Bridges’ Human Avatar In ‘R.I.P.D.’

Update: Deadline reports “Glee” cast member Mike O’Malley has also joined “R.I.P.D.

There are lots movies and television shows based off all kinds of novels and graphic novels and we generally don’t have time to track down source material, but in this instance, we think we might have to pick up Peter M. Lenkov‘s “R.I.P.D.” just so we can understand what the fuck is going on.

THR reports that supermodel Marisa Miller will make her feature film debut in the Robert Schwentke film that follows a pair of deceased detectives, one a recently murdered cop (Ryan Reynolds), the other a gunslinger from the Old West (Jeff Bridges) who are part of the titular crime busting unit that is made up of ghosts. But as if that concept isn’t enough, Miller will playing Bridges’ human avatar, the image people will see when he takes on his earthly form. So yeah, we think we’re missing a couple of steps in there for all this to make sense, but this certainly sounds…ambitious. The ghosts, avatars, a police procedural, supermodels…something has gotta give somewhere, right?

Anyway, Mary Louise Parker rounds out the cast for the film which is pegged for a a June 28, 2013 release — so I guess we have plenty of time to track down that graphic novel.

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