Watch: ‘Human Centipede 2’ Trailer Is Still Gross & Disturbing In Black & White

We have to admit, despite the minor hoopla surrounding Tom Six‘s upcoming “The Human Centipede 2 (Full Sequence),” we had no idea the film was in black-and-white until we caught up with it ourselves, but the limited color palette didn’t prevent us from saying the film “almost reaches the all-time gross-out pantheon.” Indeed, when you witness twelve people getting stitched up ass-to-mouth, you’re bound to get a bit queasy.

So you might want to put down the breakfast sandwich before firing up the full length trailer for “The Human Centipede 2 (Full Sequence)” as it’s certainly unnerving. The meta-sequel stars Laurence R. Harvey as a perverted fan of the first film who decides to improve upon the medical experiment by doubling the participants. There is some mumbo jumbo about how he’s potentially reacting against the tyranny of his parents or something, but really, this is just a way for Tom Six to up the ante from this last film. While we noted that portions of the film “will leave viewers gasping for breath,” the picture is ultimately let down by “a groaner of an ending.” Still, Six is playing the Banned In The UK card for all its worth and gore hounds should be pleased with what he puts together here even if the bodily fluids are not fully rendered in color.

“The Human Centipede 2 (Full Sequence)” will make you nauseous starting on October 7th. Watch below.

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