Academy Award Winner Alan Menken To Score ‘Lidsville’ For DreamWorks

If you don’t know the name Alan Menken, you certainly know his music. The nine-time Academy Award nominee has won four times for composing the instantly identifiable music to the Disney hit films “The Little Mermaid,” “Aladdin,” “Beauty & The Beast” and “Pocahontas.” His most recent nom was for the surprise hit “Tangled” last year but for his next project will find him moving away from the mouse house for the first time in his career.

The composer tweeted recently, “Off to LA for BMI awards and LIDSVILLE meeting. Excited to be doing my first non-Disney animated musical. Hello DreamWorks!” So what is “Lidsville“? The project was announced a few months ago, and it will be a big 3D version of the ’70s kids show that was on the air for all of two seasons. As the title suggests, the movie is about a world of living hats. Uh, okay.

This one is a long way off and still in development so don’t expect it anytime soon. But with Menken being brought in this early in the game, we’d wager it’ll be done as full blown musical thingy. But seriously, a world of magical hats? Not everything that was on TV has to become a movie, Hollywood. Although, if it sticks to the fucking deranged look of the show, this could be one for which we’d gladly light one up and watch with a big bag of popcorn for the inevitable case of munchies. [via Toonzone]

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