Bill Nighy Will Lead The Resistance In ‘Total Recall’

Kate Beckinsale & Jessica Biel Confirmed

Bill Nighy loves to work but his quality meter is all over the place. For every “State Of Play” (the original Brit series) or “The Constant Gardener” there’s a “G-Force” or “Underworld.” Big or small, the actor will seemingly to do it all as long as there is a craft services table and a paycheck. Or if it’s directed by Len Wiseman.

Anyway, Heat Vision reports that the always-busy thesp has joined the “Total Recall” remake that will start shooting next month. The film stars Colin Farrell and Bryan Cranston, in the future-set story that follows Douglas Quaid (Farrell), a factory worker who begins to think he’s a spy, but doesn’t know whether it’s for Euromerica or New Shanghai, one of the two superpower countries in this world. Cranston plays Vilos Cohaagen, the leader of Euromerica who is plotting to invade New Shanghai. Nighy will take on the role of Quatto, the leader of the resistance. As for the ladies, they are finally confirmed after their negotiations were revealed more than a month ago, with Kate Beckinsale playing Quaid’s wife and Jessica Biel as the love interest Melina. And let’s not forget Ethan Hawke in a mysterious cameo in which he delivers a five-page soliloquy.

The Arnie/Verhoeven version will always hold a special three-boobed place in our hearts, and while this new one has some decent casting the wild card here is Len Wiseman who has yet to direct a watchable movie. “Total Recall” will hit theaters on August 3, 2012.

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