Channing Tatum Teams With ‘Mongol’ Helmer Sergei Bodrov For ‘Blood Brothers’

Admittedly, we haven’t seen enough from Channing Tatum‘s career so far to affirm he’ll become a bonafide star one day — but, damn, if he keeps teaming up with interesting, talented directors, he’s gotta be doing something right, right? We mention it almost every time a story about the star pops up but his CV already boasts Michael Mann, Steven Soderbergh, Kimberly Peirce and Kevin MacDonald among those he’s worked with (or is planning to) — not too shabby.

Tatum has now added another interesting helmer to his list of upcoming collaborations in the form of Russian writer-director Sergei Bodrov, who’ll team with scribe Eric Nazarian (“The Blue Hour,” the Blacklisted “Giants“) for a “suspenseful thriller set in Russia” titled “Blood Brothers” with Tatum attached to star and produce.

The project has been sold to Chernin Entertainment (“Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes,” Spielberg’s upcoming TV project “Terra Nova“) as a pitch with Bodrov and Nazarian set to pen the script together. Two-time Oscar-nominated Bodrov (“Prisoner Of The Mountains,” “Mongol”) has been flirting with a number of Hollywood-backed projects in recent times — one of which was the Christian Bale-starring “The Last Photograph,” based on an original script by Zack Snyder — and seemingly has the second part of his gestating Genghis Khan trilogy always on the horizon. In Tatum and this Russian tale, however, it looks like the helmer has found an avenue to explore his own sensibilities within the framework of a Hollywood epic. So what’s it all about? No idea, as details are being kept tight for now.

Obviously, it remains to be seen where the project lies in either party’s plans; Tatum’s got a fair bit on his plate and who knows how long scripting could take for Bodrov and Nazarian, but this project definitely sounds like it could develop into something worth keeping an eye out for.

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