Japanese Poster For ‘The Tree Of Life’ Is Very Japanese

If you haven’t seen Terrence Malick‘s “The Tree Of Life” rest assured it’s coming to your town/country soon for you folks in Japan, the movie now has a thoroughly…Japanese poster.

The latest one sheet for Malick’s film has landed and no, there is no new still or dinosaurs or anything. Just a big illustration of three giant heads which we’re guessing are supposed to be part of the tree and they are each looking at…something. With sunshine and happy family, it kind of sells the movie as something it totally isn’t. If you still haven’t hipped yourself to the movie, it stars Brad Pitt, Sean Penn and Jessica Chastain in a universe spanning tale of family, God, spirituality, dinosaurs and Dads being assholes. Or something like that.

The film is currently expanding in various cities and will open nationwide on July 8th. Folks in Japan can see it August 12th. See the poster in full below. [IMPA]

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