Joseph Kosinki To Direct Alien Thriller ‘Archangel’

Adam Cozad Rewriting Script

While “Tron: Legacy” director Joseph Kosinksi continues to try a find a new home for his sci-fi epic “Oblivion,” the helmer has landed another film firmly within the genre.

Variety reports that hot scribe Adam Cozad — who landed on the Black List last year with “The Gray Man” (which now has James Gray directing), and also did some work on the Jack Ryan reboot “Moscow” — is rewriting “Archangel” originally penned by Andrew Will. Kosinski is now attached to direct the “X-Files” sounding story centered on a unit of the military that hunts down aliens that are living among us.

There’s no word yet on which film will go first — “Oblivion” or “Archangel.” Universal is trying to lock up the former and if they do, we’d guess the ball will get rolling on that one pretty fast. But either way, it looks like Kosinski has firmly arrived in Hollywood and is quickly planting his flag firmly in sci-fi territory for now.

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