New Poster For ‘Tree Of Life’ Reveals New Image; Soundtrack Now Streaming

While some in The Playlist team are flagging under the onslaught of marketing for “The Tree Of Life,” this is a film we’ve been following literally for years and while we just want the next couple of weeks to pass by quickly so we can finally see the film, we’ll continue to take what we can get from it for now.

A new international poster for the film has landed and half of it is taken up with an image from the film we haven’t seen yet of Brad Pitt playing with his two sons in what must be happier times after the dinosaurs and before the Sean Penn adult moroseness sets in. But that’s not all out there for those looking forward to Terrence Malick‘s film. The soundtrack to the film by Alexandre Desplat has begun streaming over at Amazon. But listening to the music before seeing the movie is a bit odd, at least in this instance, so we’ll wait a bit before weighing in.

“The Tree Of Life” hits Cannes next month and opens on May 27th. Full poster below. [IMP Awards]

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