Watch: 6 New Clips From ‘X-Men: First Class’ Invokes Lots Of Familiar Political Talk

Also Shows First Real Look At Sebastian Shaw

So, do you want to see “X-Men: First Class” without paying for it? Given the amount of stills, clips, TV spots and trailers Fox has dropped for the film, someone could probably put together a pretty decent chunk of footage from the film. At any rate, it certainly seems as if the studio doesn’t care about holding anything back or saving some of the surprises for the big screen.

Anyway, JoBlo has dropped six more clips from the film giving us an even bigger peek behind the curtain. The clips are notable for dropping us inside some of the action sequences as well as for giveng us our first real look at Kevin Bacon in the role of Sebastian Shaw (and he looks very good in the part). Less promising, the clunky oh-so-relevant political talk — Never Again! You’re Either With Us Or Against Us! — seems pretty hamfisted and obvious. But, this is all out of context and with the film being given a two hour plus runtime, who knows how it will play within the larger frame of the movie.

Guess we’ll find out soon enough. “X-Men: First Class” opens on Friday, June 3rd. Check out the clips below.

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