Watch: Full Length Official Trailer Arrives For ‘Immortals’…Yep, Still Looks Like ‘300’

Update: You can watch the trailer in HD at Apple.

Less than 24 hours after a shoddy, television ripped, E! News voiceover-ed trailer for “Immortals” arrived, the full length official version has finally landed and….it still looks like a riff on “300.”

While this spot could definitely benefit from a crisper HD version, by and large, it replicates the same slo-mo, bronze oozing feel of Zack Snyder‘s warrior film with just as much ponderous line readings and yelling of inspirational speeches. Director Tarsem Singh also seems to have watched some Alejandro Jodorowsky lately as there are definitely a few sequences that are borrowed from his playbook. At any rate, for those expecting something visually different delivered by the director of “The Cell” and “The Fall” they might be disappointed.

Starring Henry Cavill, Stephen Dorff, Freida Pinto, Mickey Rourke, Kellan Lutz, Luke Evans, John Hurt and Isabel Lucas, “Immortals” hits theaters on 11-11-11. Check out the longer trailer below. [Popeater/Vlicious]

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