Watch: Green Band ’30 Minutes Or Less’ Trailer Still Delivers Big Laughs Without Red Band Raunch

Yes, this new trailer for “30 Minutes or Less” is pretty much the same deal as the red band version but it has enough new bits to make it worth your while, and certainly it’s just as funny as its raunchier counterpart.

Starring Jesse Eisenberg, Aziz Ansari, Danny McBride, Nick Swardson and Michael Peña, the film centers on two white trash fledgling criminals (McBride and his lapdog lieutenant Swardson) who kidnap a slacker pizza delivery driver (Eisenberg) and force him — by ticking bomb — to rob a bank. Everyone here looks to be in top form, with McBride and Swardson looking to be the scene stealers. That said, Eisenberg and Ansari look like they will be delivering enough big laughs all by themselves.

Zombieland” director Ruben Fleischer is at the helm, and this will hit theaters on August 12th. Check it out below. [via ComingSoon]

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