Watch: New Scenes In International Teaser For ‘The Adventures Of Tintin: The Secret Of The Unicorn’

It’s been three years since Steven Spielberg‘s last effort behind the camera, “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull,” and we’d rather not talk about it, but it looks like the director is gonna win his way back into our hearts this year twice over. Once, with the sure to be Oscar bound “War Horse” and then again with the pretty fun looking “The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn.”

As you know, the film made a big splash earlier this week when a teaser trailer was revealed to thumbs up approval from around the web. And now we have a new international version, which more or less plays the same but gives us a bit more time and scenes with Tintin’s trusty sidekick, Snowy. We’ve heard some grumbling about how the dog looks in the film, but we think he’s fine and seems pretty naturally integrated along the mo-capped cast.

Starring Jamie Bell, Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, Toby Jones, Andy Serkis, Mackenzie Crook, Tony Curran, Daniel Mays, Sebastian Roche and Gad Elmaleh, the film hits theaters in Europe on October 26th, before getting a U.S. release on December 23rd (though we expect that latter date to change). Check it out below.

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