Watch: ‘The Muppets’ Parody ‘Green Lantern’ Trailer 1000X More Entertaining Than ‘Green Lantern’

Say what you will about massive ad campaigns for franchise movies, but we can’t remember the last time marketing for a tentpole movie was this much fun to watch. Following the rom-com style teaser and “The Hangover 2” riffing tailer for “The Muppets,” a new one has landed today using this weekend’s “Green Lantern” as a jumping off point.

After sitting through the unbearably slow, bizarrely ’90s style comic book movie last night, this writer suggests you pocket that $12 because this teaser gives you far more entertainment value in one minute than Ryan Reynolds does in two hours. For all of our cynicism sometimes, what we’ve seen of “The Muppets” thus far hits us right in our kiddie sweet spot that’s buried deep within our cold black hearts. But really, this looks unbelievably fun and even Chris Cooper seems to be having a helluva time playing the villain.

Starring Jason Segel, Amy Adams and Rashida Jones and featuring cameo appearances by many, many, many more this felt covered flick will land on November 23rd. Check out the spot and new poster below.

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