‘Captain America’ Writers Hired Back For Sequel; Bryan Singer Hints At ‘First Class’ Followup

Marvel is wasting no time on the continued expansion of their onscreen universe, and they’ve got a lot of projects on the go, but they must like what they’re seeing in “Captain America: The First Avenger” as Latino Review reports that writers Stephen McFeely and Christopher Markus, have been hired back to pen a sequel. Man, they really want to crank these things out. While there were some whispers that McFeely and Markus had their work punched up by Joss Whedon, the extent of that (if it happened) is unknown and if we had to wager a guess, we’d say that Whedon might’ve been merely been doing continuity touch-ups to allow “Captain America” to fit with “The Avengers.”

At any rate, Marvel is feeling good about their patriotic superhero and believe that audiences are gonna want more of him too. As for what “Captain America 2: Except In Foreign Territories” would entail, we can only guess, though Marvel head Kevin Feige has spoken previously about a potential sequel showcasing more adventures of Cap in the past as well as the present. If so, we could possibly meet the Invaders, the superteam long rumored to show up in “Captain America.” Lest we forget, if they do opt for a modern day storyline, Sebastian Stan is signed on for multiple movies, and we could see his transformation into the villain/antihero Winter Soldier.

In other Marvel sequel news, producer Bryan Singer was coy in discussing the future mutant adventures following “X-Men: First Class,” which had its trailer debut yesterday. Obsessive-compulsives have already argued about how Matthew Vaughn‘s film doesn’t truly reflect the first class as seen in the comics, particularly regarding the character of Havok, played by Lucas Till, and originally the brother of Scott Summers/Cyclops, as played by James Marsden in the earlier films.

“Yes, the timeline is different,” Singer says to the L.A. Times. “It wouldn’t physically fit for him to be the brother of Cyclops. We take some liberties on that. There are notions, but, um, I don’t want to give away certain interrelations, but let’s just say there are some things that do adhere to the comic books and do so in a way the fans will get a kick out of. And those things can, perhaps, move forward into the future… I liked the title, so we kept it, but this is a prelude in a way that will eventually lead to the [scenarios] that fit in more clearly with the ‘First Class’ comics and situations.” In other words, Singer’s intentions as the “godfather” to this series is to eventually ease the familiar characters back into the timeline, so younger actors could fill the shoes of those not in “First Class,” such as Cyclops and Jean Grey. Exciting times ahead, and if the ‘First Class’ is a solid as the trailer, we’d definitely welcome more adventures from the mutant clan.

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