First Look At Whit Stillman’s ‘Damsels In Distress’ Starring Greta Gerwig & Adam Brody

Update: Pics removed at the request of New Amsterdam New York Corp.

1998. That was the last time we had a film — “Last Days of Disco” — by Whit Stillman, and while he’s had a number of projects in various states of development since, he’s finally returning to screens 13 years later with “Damsels In Distress” and we can’t wait.

Starring Greta Gerwig and Adam Brody among a cast of lesser known names, the pic centers on “a group of style-obsessed college girls who take in a new student and teach her their misguided ways of helping people” and they are “convinced that musical dance, sharp clothes and good hygiene — the Dior perfume ‘Diorissimo’ is their trademark — can all contribute to staving off the inevitable self-destructive impulses that follow hard on the heels of failed college romances.” In addition to the girls being musical dance enthusiasts, some of them will “suffer from nasal-shock syndrome at the faintest sniff of B.O.” perhaps making that Dior perfume all the more valuable. The heart of the story reportedly follows the relationship between Gerwig and Brody’s characters and the doubts Gerwig’s friends have with Brody’s intentions. And keep your eyes peeled because Stillman regular Chris Eigeman might be back for a cameo appearance.

While no release date is yet in place, Gerwig recently said a fall debut was planned, but for now we’ll gladly take what we can get and those are a nice bunch of stills from the movie courtesy of costume designer Ciera C. Wells. Its practically bursting with color and looks gorgeously shot. Check out more pics below.

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