‘Homework’ With Emma Roberts Now Titled “The Art of Getting By”; Gets June 17th Release Date

Looks like Fox Searchlight is adding another title to their summer slate, though they are nixing the title that might remind anyone of school or being in class.

Variety reveals that “Homework” starring Emma Roberts and Freddie Highmore has been renamed “The Art Of Getting By” (meh) and has given a June 17th limited release bow to be followed by a wider release in July. It will come up against some stiff competition that weekend with “Bad Teacher,” “Green Lantern” and “Mr. Popper’s Penguins” all headed to cinemas. But for those looking for something a little smarter to go with their tub of popcorn, this might be a better bet that weekend.

Co-starring Michael Angarano, Elizabeth Reaser, Rita Wilson, Sam Robards and Blair Underwood the coming-of-age story centers around “George, a lonely and fatalistic teen who’s made it all the way to his senior year without ever having done a real day of work, is befriended by Sally, a beautiful and complicated girl who recognizes in him a kindred spirit.” Fox Searchlight picked up the film at Sundance where it got good notices, and it’ll likely be light dessert after the heavy meal of “The Tree Of Life” which the studio will open next month.

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