It’s Not The House That’s Haunted In Trailer For ‘Insidious’

Say what you will about James Wan, but the creator of the “Saw” franchise has certainly proved he knows what audiences like. And while his particular brand of horror hasn’t been our bag, for his next effort “Insidious,” he seems to be stepping away from dreaming up fancy ways to kill people and moving toward something a bit more atmospheric.

Starring Rose Byrne, Patrick Wilson and Barbara Hershey, “Insidious” picked up very strong notices when it premiered in the Midnight Madness strand in Toronto. The plot surrounds a kid in a coma who is haunted by evil spirits and then shit, presumably, gets real freaky. A full-length trailer has arrived courtesy of Blastr and it’s actually effectively creepy and moody and is almost something completely different than modern horror spots except for the cheap jump scare thing at the end. The lensing looks particularly strong and is it just us, or did that guy with the camera look a lot like Stanley Kubrick?

We’re more intrigued than we thought we would be; “Insidious” opens on April 1st. Trailer below.

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