Karl Gajdusek To Rewrite William Monahan’s Script For Joseph Kosinski’s ‘Horizons’ (aka ‘Oblivion’)

Even though “Tron: Legacy” underperformed and was met with a collective shrug from both fanboys and critics alike, Disney still wants to be in the Joseph Kosinski business and he’s got a property they think will make them a mint. His graphic novel “Oblivion” was picked up by Disney a while ago and last fall “The Departed” scribe William Monahan was tasked with writing the script. Well, spring is around the corner and there is new movement on the project.

Heat Vision reports that Karl Gajdusek, who did some work on the recent Liam Neeson thriller “Unknown” and penned the upcoming Nicolas Cage and Nicole Kidman pic “Trespass,” has been brought aboard for a rewrite. Set in a future where people live above the clouds, the film project which is now called “Horizons” tells the story of a solider who is set on a dystopian Earth repairing drones that patrol and destroy a savage alien race called The Scavengers. He then meets a woman who crash lands on Earth, sparking an adventure that changes his life.

The project remains a high priority at Disney who don’t seem to be to bummed about the expensive bauble that is “Tron: Legacy.” No reason is given for the rewrite but we presume that with Disney now specializing in big splashy blockbusters that can play to a worldwide audience and deliver merchandising, we presume he’s there to make sure it’ll hit those marketing quadrants with ease.

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