Kristen Wiig Nervous, But Excited For Her Breakout Turn In ‘Bridesmaids’

SNL Comedienne Also Talks What Drew Her To ‘Paul’ And The Lack Of Difference Between American & British Comedy Actors

May is only a stone’s throw away, but for movie-goers it couldn’t be feel further: there’s the probably-incredible “The Tree of Life” that hits the 27th, not to mention tentpoles “Thor” and “Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides” if that’s your thing. Aside from typical Woody Allen musings in “Midnight in Paris” and Zach Galifianakis letting loose in “The Hangover Part 2,” comedy fans have a lot to look forward to in “Bridesmaids,” which features an ensemble of intelligent and funny women lead by none other than Kristen Wiig. We caught the film over the weekend at SXSW and were won over by its charms, calling it both hilarious and heartfelt.

We caught up with Wiig during the rounds for “Paul” and the actress was happy to talk about “Bridesmaids” — directed by “Freaks and Geeks” alum Paul Feig and shepherded by producer Judd Apatow — while sharing some thoughts on British humor and why the alien road trip comedy attracted her interest.

The Playlist: What drew you to “Paul”?
Kristen Wiig: Greg [Mottola] being the first thing, then the script which Greg asked me to read. Then there was Simon [Pegg], Nick [Frost] and the rest of the cast. I’m so lucky to get to work with Bill [Hader] again, even though we work together all year long and I’m still not sick of him [laughs]. We just have a second nature, another language, he’s truly like my brother. Plus I just love watching him work.

How was it working with the Brits? Do you think there are any major differences between their humor and American humor?
Well, they talk different [laughs]. People have been asking a lot about that, the British sense of humor vs the American one. I guess I see it, some think it’s more dry, but when I met Nick and Simon we immediately got along and found similar things funny, so it’s hard for me to see that after a while.

“Bridesmaids” is approaching, that must be exciting. What can we expect from that?
Oh my gosh… Well, I’m a little nervous because it’s my first starring thing and I co-wrote it with my friend Annie Mumolo. I mean it’s really exciting, but it’s also a big deal for have it come to fruition after all this time cause we wrote it almost five years ago. I’m freaking out in a good way. I’m very excited. I’ve seen it, I really like it, I’m so lucky, Judd asked me to write this and to get Paul Feig to direct it and the cast — I couldn’t be happier. A lot of funny ladies and we really wanted to write something that had a lot of women in it.

Most claim Apatow’s projects to be strictly a boys’ club. Will your film turn the tide?
Well, there’s not a lot of boys in it! There definitely are some and the guys that are in it unbelievable — Jon Hamm, Chris O’Dowd, Mike Hitchcock, Matt Lucas — but you write what you know and a lot of Judd’s movies have either had a lot of guys in them or were based on a guy’s point of view, but “Knocked Up” was about both those two characters and that movie had so much heart and I’m hoping that people see that side of it, too, in our movie.

“Paul” opens nationwide wide March 18th. “Bridesmaids” arrives on May 13th.

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