Quentin Tarantino’s ‘Kill Bill: The Whole Bloody Affair’ To Finally Premiere In March

We’ll be honest, we never thought this day would come. But after years and years of promises and fan anticipation, Quentin Tarantino is ready to unveil “Kill Bill: The Whole Bloody Affair” on audiences next month. Yeah, we can hardly believe it either.

AICN were perusing the schedule for the New Beverly in March, as it’s being programmed by the director, and lo and behold for one week, “Kill Bill: The Whole Bloody Affair” has been scheduled. We’re presuming line ups for tickets begin now. In the brief description, it’s said the film shown will be “the unrated combined version which has never been seen theatrically in the U.S.” Details on what will actually be in this version are yet to be seen, but Tarantino has chattered about it a lot in the past few years, so we have a pretty good idea.

Back in the summer of 2009, Tarantino talked pretty extensively about what would be appearing in ‘The Whole Bloody Affair’ and it seems it will be the same movies we know, padded out with a lengthy animated sequence. “I’m not going to monkey around with the movie itself, but we’ve actually done a whole new section for the anime as the last thing [we added]. I actually wrote a much longer script for the anime section during O-Ren’s revenge chapter. Remember the guy with the long hair that kills her father? It’s like, what happened to that dude? Well, I wrote it and it was the biggest, most elaborate thing I wrote—her taking him down,” Tarantino said.

“This was when I thought ‘Kill Bill’ was going to be one movie. So already I thought a 20-minute anime scene [evolved from a seven minute sequence?] may not be the wisest move. So we didn’t have them do it, so they were relieved they didn’t have to do it because it was so big. [But] I actually showed it to Harvey Weinstein; I had the whole script written out shot for shot what it would be, so [I said], ‘Harvey, this literally would make it complete. This is everything I came up with and wrote when I wrote it.’ So Production IG just did it, and I just need to work with them a little bit and go over it with them—and I’ll do that once this is officially behind me.” And who are Production IG? They are an influential Japanese anime studio and production company behind some of the biggest titles such as “Ghost In The Shell.”

All that said, Tarantino likes to tinker and we wouldn’t be surprised if some extras scenes or sequences wound up in there as well. Needless to say, it’s tremendously exciting news and undoubtedly a DVD/BluRay release is likely around the corner. No word yet if the screenings will expand beyond the New Beverly, but this is one lots of people are going to want to see on the big screen.

“Kill Bill: The Whole Bloody Affair” will start screening on March 27th. And could this be the AICN secret screening at SXSW? We think so. Better start lining up, folks.

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