Adrien Brody, Timothy Olyphant, Josh Lucas & More Testing For ‘Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter’

Benjamin Walker, James D’Arcy & Oliver Jackson-Cohen Also In The Mix

With the release date set for summer 2012, things are beginning to heat up for the Timur Bekmambetov directed, Tim Burton produced historical zombie action pic “Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter.” While Tom Hardy was offered the part of Henry Sturgess last fall, and Eric Bana was being considered last month for Abe Lincoln, a whole new crop of names have entered the mix for the presidential role and will start testing soon.

Deadline reports that Benjamin Walker (“Flags Of Our Fathers,” the actor who almost got the Beast role in “X-Men: First Class“), James D’Arcy (“Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World,” “Exorcist: The Beginning“), Adrien Brody, Oliver Jackson-Cohen (“Faster,” “Going The Distance“), Josh Lucas and Timothy Olyphant will all be auditioning for the role of the young Abe Lincoln in the film.

The film is based on the book by Seth Grahame-Smith which is based on the faux diaries of the president given to the author by a vampire named Henry Sturgess. Sturgess saved Lincoln’s life when he battles a vampire as a teenager, and the two become fast friends. Sturgess teaches Lincoln about the history of vampirism, trains him in combat, and sends the president to hunt and kill evil vampires. Sounds pretty badass, no? The mix of names for young Lincoln is…..interesting. We think Brody would be all wrong for the part, and we think Olyphant is sort of an inspired choice but it’s clear that star power isn’t necessarily a big factor here. Because really, who cares about if the dude is a guy you recognize when he’s obliterating zombies?

The original plan was for the film to start shooting this winter, but obviously that has been pushed back. A spring start looks more likely now and the film will hit theaters on June 22, 2012.

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