First Look At Robert Downey Jr, Jude Law & Noomi Rapace In ‘Sherlock Holmes 2’

Noomi Rapace Appears To Be Playing General Custer

Running! Old timey clothes! Explosions! Robert Downey Jr! That can only mean one thing — “Sherlock Holmes 2” — and we now have our first official look at the upcoming 3D film.

Not much is known about the plot just yet, but the film will find Holmes and Watson (Jude Law) teaming up with a French gypsy (“The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo” star Noomi Rapace in her first Hollywood part) in a film that will find them trotting across Europe. And they’ll also stop by and visit Holmes’ older brother Mycroft, played by Stephen Fry. As to whether or not Rachel McAdams will drop by to reprise her role of Irene Adler, the actress herself wasn’t quite sure when when she was asked during press rounds for “Morning Glory” earlier in the month. As for the image, it’s just about what we expect from the blockbuster sequel and we just hope its the same sort of breezy, loose fun as its predecessor.

Filming continues and the sequel will hit screens on December 16, 2011.

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