First Look: Jessica Chastain & Michael Shannon In Psychological Thriller ‘Take Shelter’

While most cinemagoers became acquainted with the insanely talented Michael Shannon from his turn in “Revolutionary Road” or more recently, in HBO‘s “Boardwalk Empire,” indie film fans have been singing the actor’s praises ever since his performance in the little seen picture “Shotgun Stories.” That film was a sharp exploration of sibling rivalry at its most harrowing and now director Jeff Nichols has re-teamed with the actor for his sophomore effort.

Take Shelter” stars Michael Shannon and Jessica Chastain (“The Tree Of Life“) and follows an intriguing premise as it centers on a small town husband whose obsession with preparing for what he believes to be an oncoming apocalyptic storm creates a strain on his marriage. Some images from the forthcoming film have cropped up and are certainly tantalizing– this is certainly one we’ll be keeping an eye on.

“Take Shelter” will premiere at the Sundance Film Festival next month. The full synopsis and more images after the jump. [Collider]

Following his acclaimed debut, Shotgun Stories, writer/director Jeff Nichols reteams with actor Michael Shannon to create a haunting tale that will creep under your skin and expose your darkest fears.

Curtis LaForche lives in a small town in Ohio with his wife, Samantha, and daughter, Hannah, a six-year-old deaf girl. When Curtis begins to have terrifying dreams, he keeps the visions to himself, channeling his anxiety into obsessively building a storm shelter in his backyard. His seemingly inexplicable behavior concerns and confounds those closest to him, but the resulting strain on his marriage and tension within his community can’t compare with Curtis’s privately held fear of what his dreams may truly signify. Take Shelter features fully realized characters crumbling under the weight of real-life problems. Using tone and atmosphere to chilling effect, Nichols crafts a powerful psychological thriller that is a disturbing tale for our times.

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