First Look: Kirsten Dunst & Jim Sturgess In Sci-Fi Romance ‘Upside Down’

The plot is a little out there, but we’re definitely curious for the forthcoming sci-fi romance “Upside Down” starring Kirsten Dunst and a bearded Jim Sturgess.

Directed by Juan Solanas (Argentinian arthouse fave “Nordeste“), the film follows Adam (Sturgess) a seemingly ordinary guy who is holding on to the memory of Eve, a girl he met once upon a time from another world, an inverted affluent world with its own gravity. Their childhood flirtation becomes an impossible love but when he catches a glimpse of grown-up Eve on television, nothing will get in the way of getting her back. The first images from the film are certainly eye opening, promising a picture that certainly won’t skimp on dazzling visuals. That said, sci-fi romance as a genre has a bit of rocky track record so we’re cautiously optimistic for this one.

No word yet on release dates but we expect it to crop up in the festival circuit in 2011. [Into The Screen via /Film]

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