Former ‘Dr. Who’ Star Sylvester McCoy Confirms He’s Been Cast In ‘The Hobbit’

Won’t Reveal Who He’s Playing, But It’s Probably Radagast The Brown

Late last summer, actor Sylvester McCoy, probably best known to American audiences for his role on the 1980s version of “Doctor Who,” revealed he was in talks to join “The Hobbit” in an unspecified “wizard” role. Well, speaking to the BBC (via Entertainment Fix), the actor has confirmed that those talks went well and that he has been cast in the film. But he’s keeping mum for now on who he’s playing.

“When they sent out the character description for the part I’m playing, it says he’s between 57 and 75. When it started out I was 57, but it’s taken so long to get to fruition I’m now 75,” the 67-year-old actor joked.

McCoy is no stranger to Peter Jackson. He had auditioned for the role of Bilbo Baggins in the ‘Lord Of The Rings‘ trilogy but lost out to Ian Holm; clearly he left an impression. But don’t ask him to spill on who he’s playing as he’s been sworn to secrecy.

“I can’t say anything! I don’t even know if I’ve said too much already,” he said. “I’ve already got my wrist gently tapped. I just want to tell the world about it… I know it’s all bubbling away and plans are being made.”

And while McCoy won’t say it himself, he’s has long been expected to take the role of Radagast The Brown, the other major wizard part in the story next to Gandalf (who will be reprised by Ian McKellen). The news follows last week’s bit of “The Hobbit” casting info with Swedish media reporting that Mikael Persbrandt had joined as well in an unspecified “Nordic” role. We figured an official announcement regarding McCoy, Persbrandt and others rumored to be joining will be confirmed soon enough.

“The Hobbit” begins lensing in February 2011 and Part 1 will hit in December 2012 with Part 2 landing a year later.

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