Fox Goes ‘Walking With Dinosaurs’ In 3D

With the American Film Market having wrapped up yesterday, the onslaught of plot synopses is over, but there are still a couple of notable deals that have been made.

Among them, 20th Century Fox has snagged the U.S. and some international distribution rights for the $65 million 3D CG/live-action epic family film “Walking With Dinosaurs.” With a script by John Collee (“Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World,” “Happy Feet,” “Creation“) and set to be co-directed by Neil Nightingale and Pierre De Lespinois, there are no details on the plot but we think the title makes it pretty obvious.

Not surprisingly, the film will use live action scenery and digital dinosaurs, put that shit in three dimensions and throw it up on the big screen. Whatever, we don’t particularly care but kids love dinosaurs so this will probably do very well. [Deadline]

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