Watch: Dazzling, Lively Trailer For Wim Wenders’ 3D Dance Doc ‘Pina’

We’ll be honest here. A documentary on dance isn’t exactly our first choice for something to watch. Call us snobs, but hey, dance just isn’t our bag. Combine that with a vehicle directed by Wim Wenders — a great filmmaker to be sure — who hasn’t made a worthwhile film in years. So we’ll be damned then if the trailer for “Pina,” the long gestating tribute/documentary on famed choreographer and dancer Pina Bausch doesn’t look absolutely fascinating.

The film has been in the works for a while now and was initially halted when Bausch passed away during early stages of production. However, filming picked back up and the doc now serves as a salute to Bausch and will feature a number of her pieces, including “Café Muller,” “Sacre Du Printemps,” “Vollmond” and “Kontakthof.” And taking a look at the trailer — it looks absolutely stunning. We’d swear to god Julie Taymor was directing. Lively, spirited and a visual knockout, we never thought we’d be this excited about a dance movie but now we’re jazzed to see it. There are some wonderfully staged sequences here and some lovely little illusions and it certainly seems like the most electric piece of work Wenders has put his name to in quite some time.

But we’ll have to wait a bit though to see. The film premieres out of competition at the upcoming Berlinale in February. We certainly hopes it turns out to be as good as it looks and winds up with some distribution over on this side of the pond. [Bleeding Cool via MUBI]


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