Watch: New International Trailer For ‘The Green Hornet’ Has Some New Footage

Some readers have alerted us to a new international trailer for Michel Gondry‘s “The Green Hornet” that has hit the web. And while it’s not wildly different than the domestic trailer, it does have a couple of new scenes, most notably the closing bit, to make it worth a watch.

It’s been a rocky road for Michel Gondry’s big-budget tentpole as early footage received a muted response and a late stage decision to convert to 3D coupled with a release date push to January wasn’t seen as a vote of confidence. However, it appears the tide is turning as recently, Sony chief Amy Pascal was overheard at a recent test screening talking about a sequel possibility in the wake of strong scores from the audience. We haven’t been convinced yet that this isn’t a misfire, but we would love to be wrong. Not to mention that the prospect of a Gondry helmed comic book movie is definitely too much to resist.

Check out the trailer after the jump. “The Green Hornet” starring Seth Rogen and Jay Chou buzzes into theaters on January 14, 2011.

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