That’s Actually Hilarious: Six Clips From The ‘Scott Pilgrim’ DVD Released

Judging by the box office takings, you probably didn’t see “Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World.” And really, that was your loss. While we could furrow our brows and nitpick, at the end of the day, there were more laughs, great performances and fresh ideas than almost anything else we’ve seen in a while. It had probably the best soundtrack of the year, and Edgar Wright‘s direction will undoubtedly prove hugely influential in the next few years: it’s the broken masterpiece that we’re sure we’ll end up re-watching more than most of the films this year.

Fortunately, you’ve got another chance to catch up with the film and pretend you saw it in theaters, as the DVD and Blu-Ray hit in a couple of weeks, on November 9th, and director Wright (who still hasn’t picked a follow-up: surely we can expect something soon on that front?), announced on his blog (via /Film) that a number of clips from the extras, which Wright says will take 3 days to work through, has hit the internets.

There’s a blooper reel, along with a five clips from the lengthy making-of, but this barely scratches the surface: the Blu-Ray features deleted scenes, documentaries on the music, visual effects and sound, the Adult Swim cartoon spin-off, production blocks and four, count ’em, commentaries. Check the videos out after the jump.

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