Michael J. Fox might not have any regrets about retiring from acting due to his ongoing struggle with Parkinson’s Disease — but he’s not ready to rule out future opportunities either.

In a recent conversation with Entertainment Tonight, Fox reflected on life after his acting career and the ways that his priorities have shifted after stepping away from performing.

“My biggest goal, I think, was to raise a family. We have four amazing kids, and that’s been the big thing,” Fox said. “And then the other is with the [Michael J. Fox] foundation.”

Still, Fox refused to entirely shut the door on Hollywood. He explained that he would be open to returning to acting if offered the right role at the right time, citing the 2023 documentary “Still: A Michael J. Fox Movie” as evidence that he still loves the spotlight in small doses.

“If something came up that I could put my realities into it — my challenges — if I could figure it out,” Fox said when asked about future acting endeavors. “If someone offers me a part and I do it and I have a good time, great… I mean, the documentary was a big thrill.”

Fox announced his retirement from acting in 2020 after years of part-time work. He cited Quentin Tarantino’s “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” as a partial inspiration for his decision to walk away from acting.

“I thought of ‘Once Upon A Time In Hollywood.’ There’s a scene where Leonardo DiCaprio’s character can’t remember his lines anymore. He goes back to his dressing room and he’s screaming at himself in the mirror. Just freaking insane,” Fox said in a 2023 interview. “I had this moment where I was looking in the mirror and thought, ‘I cannot remember it anymore. Well, let’s move on.’ It was peaceful.”

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