Sylvester Stallone To Star In Wayne Kramer’s ‘Headshot’

Wayne Kramer‘s career has been a bit of a headscratcher. The director came out of nowhere with “The Cooler,” the Sundance sensation that went on to earn Alec Baldwin a Best Supporting Actor Oscar nomination. Kramer then followed that up with the the pulpy “Running Scared,” a ludicrous post-Tarantino tale that is severely overrated by its niche of fans. He then shifted gears again for the “Crash“-aping “Crossing Over” which was ultimately taken out of his hands by Harvey Weinstein and hacked down from its original 2 hour and 20 minute runtime to the version that’s out there now. So what will Kramer do next? Well it appears that he’s moved on from “Kane & Lynch” after producers re-approached him last fall and his “Pretty Boy Floyd” gangster pic, announced last summer, we presume remains in development. Looks like he’ll just crank out a mindless cop picture in the interim.

THR reports that Kramer is teaming up with Sylvester Stallone for “Headshot.” The film follows Stallone’s character who “teams with a young NYPD detective in a high-stakes investigation that leads from the dingy back alleys of New Orleans all the way to the power corridors of Washington, D.C. The unlikely duo, brought together by two vicious murders, take on all who stand in their way, and are willing to sacrifice everything to exact revenge.” Sounds like every other cop movie made ever and a straight-to-DVD project if we ever heard of one but there is one small ray of hope that this might be worthwhile.

Headshot” was written by Alessandro Camon who co-wrote Oren Moverman‘s excellent “The Messenger” so maybe it won’t be yet other by-the-numbers run through the cop genre. But we’re not holding our breath. Shooting begins in May in Louisiana and New York.

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