Sorry ‘The Social Network’ & ‘Black Swan,’ Film Comment Says ‘Carlos’ The Best Picture Of 2010

‘The Social Network’ Ranks #2 In List Usually Heavily Sided To Arthouse Fare

Film Comment has revealed their comprehensive ranking of the best films of the year and as usual, the top picks skew heavily to foreign language and independent fare.

French auteur Olivier Assayas scored with his sprawling epic “Carlos,” and certainly it’s a film that deserves some recognition. Anchored by a blistering performance by Edgar Ramirez, the film chronicles the rise and fall of the world’s most feared and famed terrorists, Carlos the Jackal. David Fincher‘s “The Social Network” slid into second place with his film about the rough-and-tumble creation of Facebook. The rest of the top 10 bounces between solid foreign titles (“A Prophet,” “White Material“), “important movies” (“Inside Job“) and top tier indie films (“Winter’s Bone,” “Greenberg“).

As far as end of year lists go, this is definitely one of more intriguing ones that will come along. We’re really pleased not to see the same five movies gumming up the top 10 (especially the severely overrated “The King’s Speech“), and it’s a reminder that a lot of movies happened outside mainstream American cineplexes this year. Anyway, you can take a look at the full listings after the jump, determined by ballots from over 100 participants including critics, scholars, filmmakers and more.



1. Carlos
Director: Olivier Assayas

2. The Social Network
Director: David Fincher

3. White Material
Director: Claire Denis

4. The Ghost Writer
Director: Roman Polanski

5. A Prophet
Director: Jacques Audiard

6. Winter’s Bone
Director: Debra Granik

7. Inside Job
Director: Charles Ferguson

8. Wild Grass
Director: Alain Resnais

9. Everyone Else
Director: Maren Ade

10. Greenberg
Director: Noah Baumbach

Rankings #11 – #20
11. Mother Director: Bong Joon-ho
12. Toy Story 3 Director: Lee Unkrich
13. Eccentricities of a Blonde-haired Girl Director: Manoel de Oliveira
14. Another Year Director: Mike Leigh
15. The Strange Case of Angelica Director: Manoel de Oliveira
16. The Kids Are All Right Director: Lisa Cholodenko
17. Shutter Island Director: Martin Scorsese
18. Around a Small Mountain Director: Jacques Rivette
19. Our Beloved Month of August Director: Miguel Gomes
20. Ne change rien Director: Pedro Costa

Rankings #21 – #30
21. Dogtooth Director: Yorgos Lanthimos
22. I Am Love Director: Luca Guadagnino
23. Sweetgrass Director: Lucien Castaing-Taylor & Ilisa Barbash
24. Black Swan Director: Darren Aronofsky
25. The Father of My Children Director: Mia Hansen-Løve
26. Boxing Gym Director: Frederick Wiseman
27. Secret Sunshine Director: Lee Chang-dong
28. Bluebeard Director: Catherine Breillat
29. Enter the Void Director: Gaspar Noé
30. Inception Director: Christopher Nolan

Rankings #31 – #40
31. Alamar Director: Pedro González-Rubio
32. The Oath Director: Laura Poitras
33. Exit Through the Gift Shop Director: Banksy
34. World on a Wire Director: Rainer Werner Fassbinder
35. Animal Kingdom Director: David Michôd
36. Vincere Director: Marco Bellocchio
37. Daddy Longlegs Directors: Ben & Joshua Safdie
38. Lourdes Director: Jessica Hausner
39. Life During Wartime Director: Todd Solondz
40. Fish Tank Director: Andrea Arnold

Rankings #41 – #50
41. Please Give Director: Nicole Holofcener
42. True Grit Directors: Joel & Ethan Coen
43. Lebanon Director: Samuel Maoz
44. The King’s Speech Director: Tom Hooper
45. I Love You Phillip Morris Directors: Glenn Ficarra & John Requa
46. Last Train Home Director: Lixin Fan
47. Blue Valentine Director: Derek Cianfrance
48. Hadewijch Director: Bruno Dumont
49. The Anchorage Directors: Anders Edström & C.W. Winter
50. Henri-Georges Clouzot’s Inferno Directors: Serge Bromberg & Ruxandra


1. Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives Director: Apichatpong Weerasethakul
2. Film Socialisme Director: Jean-Luc Godard
3. Poetry Director: Lee Chang-dong
4. Meek’s Cutoff Director: Kelly Reichardt
5. Aurora Director: Cristi Puiu
6. Mysteries of Lisbon Director: Raúl Ruiz
7. The Autobiography of Nicolae Ceauşescu Director: Andrei Ujica
8. The Four Times Director: Michelangelo Frammartino
9. Certified Copy Director: Abbas Kiarostami
10. Tuesday, After Christmas Director: Radu Muntean
11. Oki’s Movie Director: Hong Sang-soo
12. Ruhr Director: James Benning
13. I Wish I Knew Director: Jia Zhangke
14. My Joy Director: Sergei Loznitsa
15. Nostalgia for the Light Director: Patricio Guzmán,
16. Robinson in Ruins Director: Patrick Keiller
17. Black Venus Director: Abdellatif Kechiche
18. Of Gods and Men Director: Xavier Beauvois
19. Tabloid Director: Errol Morris
20. The Robber Director: Benjamin Heisenberg

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