The film itself is an adaptation of real events, involving women’s rights, caste, religion, and the health problems that India has been criticized for. The theme is very new, and the practical significance is far-reaching and thought-provoking. But I really admire India for being able to shoot and broadcast content that reflects the bad side of India. The rhythm of the first half is very slow, and the traditional Indian singing and dancing part does not fall behind at all, and the second half enters the main topic. Because it is an adaptation of a real story, the latter part of the film is also quite documentary style, which is very exciting and moving. However, the ending is still a little hasty, and the prototype description of the real event is a little simple. Only a static picture is given at the end. For a work with a sense of reality, this ending is slightly inadequate. However, as a work reflecting real social problems, it has many touching and thought-provoking highlights. 1. “You should know who your enemy is. It is your culture that you are fighting against.” “It is not easy to fight against culture in our country.” 2? Or the sentence “people must leave home to shit” stipulated in the code? Because of a sentence in the code, “making human beings as convenient as animals in the open air” has become the culture of India? And because women are always second-class citizens, lower than men, so men can be convenient at will during the day, while women have to go to the wild together before dawn? Even if a man accidentally sees/peeps at him, and someone with ulterior motives uses a flash to illuminate him, he can only quietly cover his head and bear everything? So why? The sentence Lu Xun said: “It has never been like this, is it right?” It is really good to use it here at this time. “Everyone has always done this”, “This is the tradition”, “Everyone else has come this way”, does that mean that this thing must be right? Whether it is right or wrong should not be judged by the duration of the event, let alone by tradition! Traditional culture also has dross, doesn’t it? It is not easy to fight against tradition in India, and I’m afraid it is the same in China. Why is it so difficult to fight against culture? Because people are always implanted with certain ideas for various reasons. Whether right or wrong, these ideas are deeply rooted in people’s minds. It may come from a specific historical and cultural background, may be limited by education level, or may be influenced by people around us. How easy is it to fight against the ideas of a group of people? What’s more, in the name of tradition, the concept has existed for hundreds or even thousands of years? At this time, culture is not so much a culture as a stereotype that everyone keeps in mind, or more like a kind of mind demon. “My past experience tells me that it is right, and that it is right. No one is allowed to challenge it, no matter who you are.”. 3. “Only when one’s own interests are damaged, can one make every effort to solve the problem.” This sentence can make people think of too many things in an instant, such as “standing and talking without waist pain”, “the whip will not feel pain if it does not fall on one’s own body”, “it does not matter to oneself, hanging high”… Only stakeholders will struggle. More people will only “give generously to others”. Because as long as they do not violate their own interests, they can be ignored. I can’t even wait to make a stumbling block on the way of safeguarding others’ rights. Maybe these people are too poor at empathy, or maybe people are born to be nosy. After all, who is willing to set themselves on fire? People are more willing to hide in the depths of the crowd and keep silent, which is in line with animal instinct. But — on the Holocaust Memorial in Boston, the United States, Martin Nimora, a German Protestant priest, left a short poem: “In Germany, at first they pursued communists, but I didn’t speak – because I was not a communist; then they pursued Jews, and I didn’t speak – because I was not a Jew; then they pursued trade union members, and I didn’t speak – because I was not a trade union member; then they pursued Catholics, and I didn’t speak – because I was a Protestant; finally they ran to me, but no one stood up I spoke. ” 4. “If you change nothing, nothing will change; “Who do you think should be responsible, cultural, or government?” “Those women who still have to go out to the bathroom in the morning”. Although the heroine in the film is Indian, as the highest caste “Brahman”, she is undoubtedly lucky. As a gentleman, she has a superior family background and good educational background. Since her birth, she has the right to use the toilet freely at home. Her parents and uncle are open-minded and have modern ideas that are different from the Indian environment. They support her to marry love, even if the other party is only a man of lower caste. They also supported her to use her marriage to fight against the culture of the whole village and even the whole country, even if they had just married for less than a year. It can be said that she is more like an ordinary girl in a developed country, and the place where she married is the epitome of India. What about the other women in the village? They are submissive, willing to bear in silence, and even enslave themselves to the point of being insensitive. They turn a blind eye to their oppression and have no sense of it. What’s more, they will also oppress other women who put forward resistance in turn and treat them as aliens. And outside the film, isn’t it the same for most women in modern society? Being enslaved and oppressed by a set of rules, such as the so-called society and traditional culture, without knowing it, and willing to bow down, or even become a part of it, and enslave other people who are trying to awaken. “If you fall, you should pull others into the water”, “If you have been caught in the rain, you should tear others’ umbrellas”. Back in the movie, the responsibility is not necessarily the government. The Indian government has repeatedly tried to carry out the “purification of India” action, but has repeatedly been frustrated by the masses themselves; What about culture, should we blame it? Obviously, the root cause is culture. But the shackles of culture on people are so heavy that the oppressed people even forget that they are still wearing shackles and that they have the option to stand up and fight. Admittedly, it is not easy to fight, especially when women want to fight in a patriarchal society that has lasted for thousands of years. However, women should have the right to fight! The vast majority of men, as gainers of benefits, cannot see the suffering of women. There are only a handful of men who are willing to fall out with their families and villages for the sake of their wives. Women can save themselves only by awakening themselves and breaking the shackles from inside and outside! 7. “The real freedom is not to go out to defecate, but to go out. You have the right to choose freely.” What is freedom? It is to be able to express their thoughts equally in front of their parents without being forced to “talk back” by the so-called “authority of elders”; It is to be able to receive the same or higher education as men without being criticized by outsiders on the grounds of “women’s lack of talent is virtue”; It is to choose your future husband according to your heart and not be subject to the family view; Freedom is the right to say “no” and the right to choose independently. Those who are arranged, even if they just obey their own wishes, are not called freedom. Freedom is a flag. It should be woven by women’s own long hair. It is flying in the wind.

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