The Japanese version of “Sunshine Sister Tao” can be regarded as removing the stereotype of Japanese people in ordinary days, because it is a film with high decibel, not only high decibel, but also a sexton of six girls. The speed of speaking and the pitch of pitch are all about to make boys’ view of women incorrect.Nostalgic films will endure in any country. From “Charlotte’s Worry” to “The Milky Way School”, they have been going through two times, reappearing various elements that can represent that time, arousing the audience’s memories and achieving sensational effects.

These films have one thing in common: pop songs. Although the Chinese translation of the film is “Sunshine Sisters”, the Japanese original name is “Strong Love”, which is a popular Japanese song released by Kenji Ozawa in 1995. That is to say, the Japanese who heard this song in the 1990s will think of that era just by seeing the title of the film.

At the beginning of the film, the pop diva Naomi Yasumi “took the lead”, and the news that a concert will be held in her hometown one day later attracted the attention of the heroine Naomi. Not only did it make a hint for Naimi to start the journey of finding friends, but also made a psychological preparation for the long yellow hair, bronze skin, fur coat, and elephant socks on the back of the screen, because this is the trend of the times led by Naimi Yasumi.

The following story structure enters the “Shaolin Football” mode. Nai Mei encounters Qin Xiang, a high school friend with cancer in the hospital. In order to fulfill the wish of Qin Xiang, she reorganizes the “Sunny” group formed by six good sisters in high school. Nai Mei seeks the help of private detectives. The former friends return one by one, and Qin Xiang’s life is also at an end.

It takes a certain skill to insert the past fragments into the current time in an orderly manner. Although the transition of this film is not a feature, it still does not allow it to jump directly, but adds a lot of small designs on details.

For example, when we first went back 20 years ago, it was the middle-aged Naimei who was knocked down by a group of students. The background was a pair of legs dressed by modern students. The color was mainly dark blue and cold, indicating that everyone’s life was not satisfactory now.

After several modern students passed by, the symbol of the 1990s – elephant socks suddenly appeared in the background. This is also the reason why the director arranged Naimi to fall down, because it can only shoot the legs, highlighting the important props of elephant socks. After the appearance of the elephant socks, the picture immediately turned into a warm color dominated by yellow, which means that the story happened in this time and space is warm and memorable.

In addition, the film also uses many matching transitions to show the transition between two time and space. For example, 20 years ago, Naimei pushed open the door of the office, and instantly became 20 years later, she came to the office to find a teacher.

There is also Naimei’s daughter who complains that she didn’t wake up on time. The camera sweeps the sun and the warm colors fill the picture instantly. When the camera returns to the room, it has returned to the past. The young Naimei complains about her mother in the same tone.

In addition to using the plot to sensationalize, the director also knows how to use the camera to “mend the knife”.

For example, at the funeral of the last celery, everyone danced for celery with the dance “Strong Holding Strong Love”, which had been rehearsed countless times when they were young. One of the actions was that the sisters lined up in a column, facing the camera like a thousand hands Avalokitesvara, and then squatted down one by one. After the last Nai Mei squatted down, the photo of celery appeared in the center of the camera, as if celery was also completing this action with everyone.

The overall evaluation of the Japanese version of “Sunshine Sisters” is not as good as that of the Korean version, for many reasons. However, if we look at it as a nostalgic film alone, it can still arouse the good memories of some audiences, especially Japanese audiences. This is probably a dream that every older person has had.

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