Yesterday, I reviewed the classic film “Dragon Cat” with my niece. In the eyes of my niece and I, the same chinchilla may be two completely different worlds. She looked very happy and felt that she had entered a magical world full of fantasy and beauty. But I see it very sour. As an adult, I feel more pain and nostalgia than tears for the beautiful feeling.How I hope that the round, chubby, standard smile with 8 teeth can remain in my blood and my life forever. Unfortunately, it is gone after all. Tmall will stay in the warm, friendly and curious heart of children, but not in the numb, busy and indifferent heart of adults.

I watched the two sisters, Xiao Yue and Xiao Mei, running happily across the vast countryside. They ran across the soft green grass and walked through the old stone bridge. The sun shone on them properly, and the rippling clear water also touched their bare toes. They grow in nature, and they are very happy.

Pushing away the old house that had not been occupied for a long time, the two sisters saw a large group of dark, coal-like little guys and fled in a panic. Pushing away the old wooden house, there are naturally a lot of annoying dust inside, but “Dragon Cat” sets these originally annoying dust as a group of lovely dust elves. They live in a house without people, and will move together after the arrival of new residents. They are very lovable goblins, like clean places, and never disturb others.

I think the two most romantic and poetic places in the whole article are the following two scenes. In the deep night, Xiaoyue and Xiaomei are asleep in the quilt, while the black dust elves are busy moving. Fly out of the chimney of the wooden house and slowly rise to the bright starry sky. In the middle of the night, when people are asleep, the night spirit slowly flies to the vast starry sky and is busy looking for a new place to live.

With the patter of rain, the big and small chinchillas and their two children kept bowing and praying in the field where the acorns were planted. With each bow, the oak tree grew a little, and finally grew into a towering tree. This scene, coupled with magnificent music, really made me feel the magic power of life. If you ask me what is poetry and distance, I will not hesitate to answer: the moment when the dust elves fly to the starry sky and the dragon cat pray for the oak tree is the most beautiful and shocking poem and distance in my heart. It made me truly appreciate the miracle of life and the beauty of the world.

The more beautiful the Tmall is, the more muddy the reality is. As we grow up, we gradually lose Tmall. We can no longer see it. We can no longer fly up the treetops with Tmall and blow out the beautiful melody of life with Xun under the moon.

Every year, on International Children’s Day, a group of “big babies” pretend to be children and force themselves to live International Children’s Day, which has long been beyond their own jurisdiction. In fact, our cheeky aunts and uncles are self-aware, but the cold reality of the adult world forces our hearts to be fragile, and we are eager for warmth. We have to return to the embrace of Tmall, hoping to feel the slightest breath of childhood happiness, and give ourselves a holiday for the real adult. More accurately, we want to give our hearts a holiday. We don’t have to deal with things in the mature and indifferent way of adults. We don’t have to pretend to be strong. We just have fun like children.

Unfortunately, we know that this is just self-deception. If I can’t go back, Tmall will never return to my heart, and my lost childhood will never come back. The reality has already destroyed my childlike innocence, my curiosity and my innocence. I have gradually felt that my heart has become harder than before. I will no longer be happy with the tender buds of willow trees in spring, and I will never look up and look at it happily. I will not be moved by the soft puppy on the roadside. I will only glance at it with cold eyes and continue on my way. I will no longer care about many people and many things. My center is no longer the world, but only myself. i only care about myself. More and more things disappear in my world. At last, my world is only myself, but there is no room for a chinchilla anymore.

People’s life is always suffering from the present, fear or looking forward to the future, and miss the past. When you are young, you miss the innocence and freedom of childhood. When you are old, you miss the innocence and freedom of childhood, and the passion of youth is surging. When you die, you miss the innocence and freedom of childhood, the passion of youth and the wisdom of old age. Oh, my God, I don’t want to spend my life in remembrance. I just want to live in the present and enjoy the present!

Childhood is gone, and Tmall is gone. The most wonderful and happy journey in life is never to return. But when I think about it, I had a good childhood. I played in the mud after the rainstorm, rolled in the soft sand, grabbed tadpoles, picked calamus… At least, I was very happy at that time, and life was a process of constant possession and loss. To be a thorough person, you should maintain such a state of mind: as long as you have it, it is a wonderful thing. I am very lucky that my childhood was nature and a group of innocent partners, not some damn homework, cram classes and exams.

If you have been sad for your lost childhood, it is better to do something more wonderful when you are young and old. Time has taken away everything, but, at least, it has left us the last gift – memory.

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