Because I like it, I decided to write something.Compared with the animated version, the new version of The Lion King has changed many details, at least the villain Scar, which gives me a new feeling.In the first part of the film review, I will write the villain boss scar first. The full text is a bit long. I will try to reduce the introduction in sections.An in-depth analysis of the role of the Lion King — Scar, the lonely kingMany friends may disagree that Scar is the king. In the previous animated version, I didn’t think Scar is the king, but in the new version, Scar really deserves the title. This article will analyze in detail why scar deserves the title of Wang.

Scar has always been lonely, because it seems that Scar does not live with lions, but lives alone, no matter in the animated version or the live version, whether it is called the queen or the queen. So far, I have no friends or true followers.

In the new version of “The Lion King”, the ability of Scar is strengthened, making people feel that Scar is a real opponent, not the insidious villain image in the original version.

The appearance of Scar is a big change. In the original version, Scar is playing with a mouse. After catching it, he complains that his life is unfair and he can never be king. Then he prepares to eat a mouse for lunch; However, the new version has been completely changed. The new version of Scar doesn’t mean to eat mice. It is more like seeing mice hiding in a corner to linger and associate with their own situation. Only when he found fault with Shazu did he say, “You made my lunch run away”.

Let’s compare the lines of the next two editions:

Animation version: “Life is really unfair. For example, I can never be king, but you can’t live until tomorrow…”

Reality version: “Life is really unfair. Some people are born to be the darling of fate, while others can only survive in the corner… Little thing, you are the same as me…”

The two lines look similar, but the villain Scar in the new version of “The Lion King” never thinks he can’t be king.

Looking at the first dialogue between Scar and Mufasa, Mufasa asked Scar, “Are you trying to provoke?” Scar knew that he was not Mufasa’s opponent. After showing weakness

Shazu interrupted: “You are smart. You are not the king’s opponent at all.”

There are differences between the two versions of Scar’s lines.

The original version: “To be smart, I do have the wisdom of a lion, but to be brute force, I’m afraid I will drag the lion back…”

The new version: “To be smart, I do have the wisdom of a lion, but if I am strong, my eldest brother will always be above the throne.”

Are there any differences between the two versions of lines? Of course there are differences.

The scar image in the animated version is bony, which is very different from Mufasa’s strong physique. People once thought that Mufasa was abusing his brother, otherwise why are the brothers so different? But this is not the case in the new version. From the perspective of character image, the difference between Mufasa and Scar is only in the mane and skin color. Mufasa’s mane is more luxuriant, the skin color is golden brown, while Scar’s mane is relatively less, and the skin color is dark gray. But from the perspective of body, the two brothers (er… two lions) are still the same, and the language of Scar seems to imply that the scar on his eyes is the same as Mufasa’s challenge, At that time, it must have been defeated, otherwise Mufasa would not have been the king, so he was only inferior to Mufasa in strength, not inferior to other lions, and naturally there was no need to say “dragging the lion’s back”.

Therefore, from the appearance of the film, the villain Scar gives the impression that a character who is not so easy to deal with can not be seen visually at least. He is very weak.

The second change of Scar is a series of dialogues that encourage Simba to go to the elephant cemetery.

In the original animation version, Simba heard that he was about to become king, and was excited to tell Scar. Scar’s attitude was from being uninterested at the beginning to pretending to tell the elephant cemetery, and then said that he loved Simba very much, and told him not to go, and finally told him not to tell others. The image of an actor.

But the new version has changed this paragraph almost completely. Although it is also encouraging, Scar is not like a plan, but more like revenge after being provoked.

Let’s play back the difference between the two:

Animation version:

Simba: Uncle Scar, my father took me around the whole kingdom today. When I grow up, all these things belong to me.

Scar: Oh, forgive me for not jumping up and clapping for you. My back hurts. (Then he lies down with his back to Simba.)

Simba lay on Scar’s neck and asked, “Uncle Scar, if I were Wang, what would you be?”

Scar: Monkey’s uncle

Then Simba rolled with a smile.

Then Scar asked Simba, have you ever been to the north shadow?

Simba immediately felt sorry and said no, but his father wouldn’t let him go.

Scar: Your father is right. It’s dangerous there. Only the bravest lion can go there.

Simba: I’m brave.

Then Scar pretended to slip out and comforted himself: “But you will know it sooner or later. You are so smart…” Then he hugged Simba and said, “Promise me never to go there…”

The new version is completely different.

First of all, little Simba was not excited to find his uncle Scar to share the good news after hearing that he was going to become king, but Mufasa ordered Shazu to send him back and let him play with other little lions, and he was very dissatisfied with everyone treating him as a little lion. When I saw the beetle, I entered the scar by mistake while practicing hunting.

Scar saw that he had failed to attack the longicorn, and said to him, “If you want to hunt, you’d better be downwind.” From this sentence, I can’t see that Scar has any hostility, just because of an elder’s warning.

But Simba was very conceited and said to him, “I know how to hunt.”

Scar laughed and said, “Fortunately, the lion’s natural enemy is not a beetle.” I guess it’s annoying to see him, and the male lion probably doesn’t care much about the baby, let alone his baby, so he drove Simba back: “Go back quickly (or find other partners to play, I can’t remember the details) I don’t take care of the baby here.”

In fact, I didn’t see what was wrong with Scar. It was an uncle who didn’t like to take children, let alone a child who made him feel unfair.

But Simba was not happy. He climbed onto the high platform where Scar sat and said with his back to him, “I want to be a king in the future. If I become a king, I can command you to do things. This feeling is strange.”

Scar should be irritated at this time. The film lens is a close-up of Scar’s face. Even though everyone says that the real cat has facial paralysis, I can still feel the suppressed anger from Scar’s eyes.

The following plot is similar. Scar mentions the elephant cemetery, and specifically mentions that there are rotten bones and mud everywhere to arouse Simba’s interest (the little lion’s hobby is really strange)

Then, notice that the lines here have changed. When Simba asks, “Have you ever been there?”

Scar replied, “Everyone has been there, but it is really not suitable for the little lion.”

Scar also said, “I said too much, but you are sure you can find it. After all, you are going to be king in the future.”

Here, I have to feel that Simba has nothing lovely (compared with the animated version). Scar may not have thought about what to do with him before, but after this conversation, he will feel that it is not Wang who ignores himself so much. Then when he grows up, I am afraid his life will be more difficult.

So Simba was encouraged to go to the elephant cemetery. In the new version, Scar didn’t have an alliance with the hyena before, but he was very clear about the danger the little lion would experience when he arrived at the elephant cemetery.

Because the film is in 3D, I can almost clearly see every hair and facial expression of Scar, and I can also feel the suppressed anger inside Scar. From this point of view, the emotional quotient of Scar is higher than that of Mufasa, or the perennial solitude makes him used to repress his emotions, or the gloom of Scar is gradually formed in this way.

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