1、 Film overview”Green” is a blue-green color, and in the film, blue has always been the main color. The blue school uniform and the blue or gray-blue sky can be seen everywhere. Blue also symbolizes the young and pure hearts of young boys and girls – “green sky” is “youth”, “yesterday’s green sky” is the youth that has passed away. The title of the film has already suggested that our whole story is mainly about recalling youth, but also with the narrative method of narration, which seems to separate youth and adulthood, ideal and reality at the same time, It also gives people a strong sense of substitution and time insertion.

2、 A localized performance that draws on the strengths of others

“Yesterday’s Blue Sky” is a 2D animated film. When it comes to 2D, many people will naturally associate with Japanese anime, which is famous for its exquisite and beautiful pictures, and with the label of “Youth Campus”. What naturally comes to mind is the popular Japanese animated films such as “Your Name”, “The Court of the Leaves”, and “Yesterday’s Blue Sky” is also on the wave of Japanese campus animated films in China, Presented to the Chinese audience in a localized manner.

Although the screen style of “Yesterday’s Blue Sky” has been criticized for being too diffuse, its script story, performance method and the thoughts and feelings conveyed have to a certain extent escaped from the routine of Japanese animation. In Japanese anime, the expression of astonishment is usually the character’s stupor, the eyes are wide open, and the pupils are enlarged. In the film, when Tu Xiaoyi said to Yao Zhetian, “You should remember that as long as you have something you really like, it will shine. Like a person, it is the same. Even if you can’t be together in the end, it doesn’t matter, because you will like the person who shines because you like him”, Although Yao Zhetian was slightly surprised by Tu Xiaoyi’s answer, her expression was that her eyes moved with Tu Xiaoyi’s movement. Her expression was first surprised and then moved with relief. The subtle emotional changes overflowed between smiles and smiles, which was more real and moving than ordinary Japanese performances.

In Disney animation, there will always be a “clown” around the protagonist who is responsible for making jokes and activating the atmosphere, such as Mu Xulong in “Mulan” and Xue Bao in “Ice and Snow”. They are funny and loyal, and they are the lubricant and booster of the plot. The peanut in “Yesterday’s Green Sky” is such a character.

Peanut is Tu Xiaoyi’s good friend. The character setting is quite different from the gentle and kind Tu Xiaoyi and Gao Leng’s Qi Jingxuan. He is Tu Xiaoyi’s “divine assistance” in pursuing Yao Zhetian, and is also a straightforward, naughty and lovely “living treasure”. At 23:47, the peanut who teased Tu Xiaoyi had a naughty and rich expression, and a lively and bright image of a high school student leaped up on the screen, which immediately drew the film closer to the audience. When Tu Xiaoyi and his party went to the arcade hall to play games, the appearance of peanuts was the fuse that pushed the story to the climax.

“Yesterday’s Blue Sky” cleverly uses Japanese comic style and Disney’s layout, while absorbing the strong points of others, retains the localized story core and performance method, and the overall effect of the film is also more brilliant.

3、 Stream of consciousness

Yesterday’s Blue Sky has four streams of consciousness. At the beginning, a group of flying paper planes, white flowers and pigeons in the blue sky, a piece of paper plane floating in the air, wanted to follow the waves, and eventually fell into a river in Lanxi Town, implying that Tu Xiaoyi’s final destination was in Lanxi. At this time, the narrator intervened and the film began.

Another point is that at about 30:09, Tu Xiaoyi intended to draw a paper plane on the exercise topic. The paper plane flew out of the book and flew into the blue sky, bypassing Yao Zhetian’s hair and fell into her hands. Yao Zhetian released the paper plane again, which not only showed the feeling of youth’s heart, but also implied that Yao Zhetian did not accept Tu Xiaoyi at last. At about 41:30, the stream of consciousness was a beautiful imagination. Tu Xiaoyi’s painting for Yao Zhetian flew over a piece of grass. Yao Zhetian smiled like a flower and appeared on a paper plane.

The last place is a rainy day after the conflict between Tu Xiaoyi, Yao Zhetian and Qi Jingxuan intensifies. Yao Zhetian is sent to the art show. Tu Xiaoyi opens the classroom window, and then the camera cuts into a gray blue space of rain. Yao Zhetian dances ballet in the rain, and Tu Xiaoyi anxiously looks for her. At this time, Tu Xiaoyi has been rejected by Yao Zhetian. This stream of consciousness reflects his inner distress, reluctance and loss.

The embedding of these four streams of consciousness has no sense of contradiction and can be switched freely, which makes the film more pure and ethereal. This is also where animation, as a special art form, surpasses the reality film.

4、 Proper dubbing

80% of the impact of an animation comes from sound. The studio 729 of the dubbing camp of “Yesterday’s Blue Sky” is very powerful. Su Shangqing (Shuanger) is Tu Xiaoyi’s voice actor. His voice line belongs to the naive young voice, which is not suitable for Tu Xiaoyi’s natural, brave and persistent character;

Yao Zhetian’s voice, Duan Yixuan, is even more profound. The voice she gives Yao Zhetian is not as delicate and delicate as that of girls in ordinary animation. It is very consistent with the natural and simple characteristics of Chinese high school girls. Especially after Qi Jingxuan left, “Yao Zhetian became more and more silent”, and the voice line of the voice is also changed from fresh to slightly hoarse, vividly portraying the psychology of high school students portrayed by emotional problems and future choices.

5、 Stereoscopic characterization

The teacher Chen in the film is Tu Xiaoyi’s head teacher. He is old-fashioned, face-loving, and flattering. He has almost all the defects of a greasy middle-aged man. But he really cares for his students. It seems that he adheres to the old idea of “achievement first” for the honor of his class. But when Tu Xiaoyi said that he was ready to give up the college entrance examination and draw cartoons, he was supportive of his students Encouraging attitude: “Whatever you choose, I hope you can persist.”

On the day of the college entrance examination, when Mr. Chen saw the big words “We will be brilliant in the end” on the blackboard newspaper, he gave a pleased look, which was very consistent with the position of “class teacher” in the eyes of Chinese students.

6、 Detailed description

The paper plane is the “clue object” of the film. Qi Jingxuan’s dream is to be a pilot and a paper airplane, which also appeared in the stream of consciousness clips many times, representing the fantasy, unrestrained and sentimental life state of young boys and girls.

Arcade hall, square game, animation “Seven Dragons Ball”, “Slam Dunk Master” and other elements with the characteristics of the times are familiar childhood and youth memories of the post-80s generation. However, for the post-90s and post-90s generation who do not know them very well, the existence of these elements will not affect their understanding of the film: whose youth does not have games, whose childhood does not watch animation, who has not openly and secretly confronted the teacher, who has not secretly liked a person? Once we replace these elements in the film with familiar people and things, we will find our own shadow.

Youth will inevitably have regrets, but it is precisely because of these regrets that we have created a beautiful youth in our memories.

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