Facing the video files recorded by myself in the computer, I said to myself several years ago: swallow the whole bottle of pills. But even so, she still can’t compete with God, because she must not have thought that she would lose her ability to commit suicide… As long as I mention the movie “Still Alice”, this shocking picture still pops out of my mind!This film describes how a patient with early-onset Alzheimer’s disease faced work, family and social life after learning her illness. She even tried to end her life rather than become a burden on her family.

Memories fade away bit by bit, and sometimes even the family can’t recognize them. However, under the care of the family, even if they can’t grasp the only memory, they still feel the love of the family!

Alice is a professor of double linguistics at the School of Languages of Columbia University, with outstanding academic achievements. She is often invited to give speeches everywhere. Her husband is a professor in the same university.

Successful at the age of 50, she also expected her children with the same standard. The eldest daughter and son did not live up to their expectations, and each achieved. The youngest daughter was not willing to give up her dream to meet her mother’s requirements.

In the contradiction between mother and daughter, I saw that mother took love as the name and wrapped the authority of self-centered. How many parents in the world, like Alice, want their children to realize their expectations in the name of love, and how many parent-child conflicts are rooted in children’s inability to fulfill their parents’ wishes? The youngest daughter finally proved her strength with her excellent performance in the drama she loved!

Alice, who has a high social status and a good image, as a linguistic expert, can not accept that she can not even master the correct words to express herself smoothly, and is even more ashamed to face her deteriorating ability to live. She was afraid to socialize and leave the familiar environment, so she was unwilling to transfer with her husband.

On the contrary, the little daughter, who had a tense relationship with her mother, decided to go home to take care of her mother. Her company made her mother still clearly feel love in the blurred and broken memory.

I can’t understand the perception of patients with Alzheimer’s disease, but I can see Alice’s inner loneliness in the film. Her eyes stay in the distance are empty and helpless. If she can’t recognize her family, will her inner feelings be like a return ball and return to her?

In her memory, she only got along well with her mother and sister when she was a child. It seems that it is her mother and sister who accompanied her, not the little daughter beside her. When God wants to take away our memories, we can’t keep them as much as we can. Alice keeps recording the important messages in her heart on her mobile phone, but she still can’t keep the memory that is fading away.

I told myself that I must strive to leave happiness, laughter and beauty when I live my life memory. Since we can’t choose what kind of memory we can leave, we can only let a lot of good memories dilute the memory of pain and sadness. In case of suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, at least the probability of memory stopping in the good will be higher.

I believe that love is the way to create good memories. Just like the interpretation of Still Alice.

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