“Your Name.” is an animated film directed by Xin Haicheng, and it is also an animated film released by him after “The Court of Words and Leaves” three years later. It was released in Japan on August 26, 2016. In the world, the box office revenue exceeded that of “Thousand and One Thousand”, breaking the box office record of Japanese films and also breaking the highest box office record of Japanese films in China. Shin Haicheng has also become the most important animation film director in the “post Miyazaki era”, so that it has set off a wave of “Shin Haicheng style” animation films around the world.
If I choose one of my favorite Japanese animes, it must be “Your Name.” This animated film that touches me, warms me and heals me. I still think I will be amazed at the plot setting and the exquisite beauty of the picture.
The film tells a science fiction story about Miyagi Miyagi, a high school girl living in a rural town in Japan, and Ritaki, a high school boy living in Tokyo, Japan. In the special time and space when a comet visited Japan once in a thousand years, in the dream, the two people realized body exchange and gradually began to love in the staggered time and space and body. The film “Your Name.” uses the concept of time and space double crossing, and combines with the original Japanese faith Shinto, so that the film bears the function of inheriting the traditional Japanese culture while narrating the youth love story.
“Your name.” This film is very “Japanese”. The scenes, psychology and living conditions depicted in the film are full of Japanese flavor, such as shrines and witches, which are the most familiar scenes for Japanese cultural lovers. At the same time, the love theme of “meeting” and “reunion” will also resonate with many people, but the most important thing that makes me understand the “difference” in the watching process is the soul of the film – “knot”. My understanding of the virtual concepts of soul, seclusion, fate, fate and knot in the film was gradually understood after I looked up a lot of relevant materials after watching the film. The “knot” often appears in the film, which becomes an important clue that runs through the cause and effect of the story and promotes the development of the plot. Grandma explained the meaning of “knot” in this way when she taught the three leaves sisters to weave cloth,
The knot has gods. The knot spirit means the flow of time, and also represents the fetters between people. It is also the link between people and gods. Japanese society believes in Shinto. They believe that there are eight million gods in the world. This “knot” witnessed the flow of time and the rise and fall of fate, and visualized the process of Sanya and Taki’s acquaintance, acquaintance and love. The “knot” connecting Taki and Sanya is the red-headed rope used by Sanya to tie her hair in her daily life, which has also become the lifeline of their fate. In addition to the knot, there are many features of Japanese culture in the film, such as the Miyagi Shrine, the witch, the ritual of the ceremony, the production of spirits, the chewing of wine, the twilight, and the seclusion, all of which have a strong Japanese flavor.
This film made me feel the importance of cultural soft power while understanding Japanese traditional culture. The story background of the excellent film itself can have great influence and attraction on people, and can exert a kind of power similar to “pilgrimage” on those who like it. People will want to experience the real scenes in the film and understand the author’s growth environment, which can drive the development of local tourism and the entire industrial chain, and even promote the spread of local culture. For example, after the popularity of “Your Name.” in China, many people began to understand the history of knot rope and the geography of flying, and even some people went to register for Japanese classes to begin to learn harmony songs. Some people will go to the location of the Japanese “Pilgrimage” film in person, such as the stage of the last encounter in the film, the Miyagi Shrine in the film, the Kukawa Library, the Feichi Municipal Library, and so on.
Nowadays, people have generally recognized that film has the dual attributes of culture and economy. Especially at present, film has irreplaceable cross-cultural communication power. “Your Name.” is bound up with the local culture. With its novel and ingenious plot setting and beautiful and exquisite animation effect, the audience has accepted the Japanese culture while enjoying the movie and unconsciously participated in the cultural exchange. At a time when domestic animated films need to go abroad, “Your Name.” undoubtedly provides an example worthy of in-depth study.