In June, Hayao Miyazaki’s work “Thousand and Thousand Seeks” was screened nationwide, triggering an unprecedented film viewing craze, with a attendance rate of 97%.Sixteen years have passed since the first release of “A Thousand and a Thousand” in 2003, but now the film is still warm and popular in China, affecting thousands of 8090 audiences with many good memories in their growth, and more parents take their children to watch movies together to create good memories of their childhood.

Speaking of the film, we can talk about a lot of small things, such as the love between Chihiro and Bailong, the care that Sister Ling brings to Chihiro’s sisters, and the different growth guidance that Grandma Qian and Grandma Tang bring to Chihiro, even the faceless man

But I want to talk with you about the role model and power in “Thousand and Thousand”.

01 Imperfect parents still give their children the best they can give

From the beginning of entering the mysterious tunnel, when they saw the delicious food, Qianxun’s parents were so greedy that they couldn’t stop eating.

This is a kind of moral. It’s just like at the beginning, many parents are running for their own and family’s survival, but sometimes they can’t stop running. Like Qianxun’s parents, they are lost in the mode of eating and become pigs that have lost their freedom, even unable to express and communicate their feelings.

In real life, many parents go out to work for the survival of their families, but later they enter into an unconscious working state, forgetting that there are wives and children in the family, and they need warm companionship and learning to grow.

In the series “Mom, Love Me, Hold Me”, a true story is recorded: the parents took a 7-year-old boy to do psychological counseling because the child went back to the living room sofa to watch TV after finishing his homework. Strangely, he always sat in the same position, turned down the sound of the TV, and did not leave after the animation was finished. In a daze, the parents did not object to changing the channel until the parents repeatedly urged him to go to bed.

Moreover, children are becoming more and more introverted. They seem to have a lot of thoughts at a young age.

After many consultations, I learned that what the child wanted was just a hug. The reason why children maintain strange habits is that once their father accompanied college students in the living room, and their son turned down his voice to watch TV in the living room, which was appreciated and embraced by his father. Therefore, children will sit in front of the TV every night and maintain the same sitting posture, thinking that only in this way can they get the hug and love of their father.

After verification, the father sobbed and said that the reason why he worked hard to earn more money was to let his son enjoy the best life and education. Unexpectedly, what the child really wanted was just a hug.

Like in the film, parents and Chihiro walked into the mysterious world together, just like we came to this world through our parents and felt the totally unpredictable future world. Parents may not give children much they want, but parents give children the best they can give.

02 Learning from an example is the psychological nutrition for children aged 7-12

Experts have studied how to make children receive correct and effective education as soon as possible and grow healthily in human growth.

For children aged 7-12, they need to imitate and learn from their role models, mainly the parents and teachers around them, and also learn from others (including story characters).

In the CCTV “Thank You, My Home” column, Zhao Xiaolan, the first Chinese-American female minister of the United States, and her father Zhao Xicheng introduced that when she was a teenager, she once told Xiaolan that you were not born in the United States. Except the president, you can do it.

Zhao Xiaolan also publicly expressed her gratitude to her father: “My father realized the American Dream through his own efforts. He never gave up his ideals and pursuits, and set an example for me and the goal of serving the society through practical actions.”

Self-built asphalt road in front of Zhao’s house

It is also necessary to be vigilant against the influence of negative role models such as television and movies in youth: Professor Li Meijin, a professor of China Public Security University and a juvenile criminal psychologist, said that the original motive of the series of homicide crimes Huang Yong saw when he was a teenager was a bloody and violent film.

The Comprehensive Skills of Li Zhongying’s Parent-Child Relationship: Parents should provide a safe and reassuring environment for their children to learn, imitate, think, try and correct their own strength, build self-confidence, and finally achieve success and affirmation.

03 There are no perfect parents in the world. Children are born with enough love and strength to realize their own life

Some parents will say that they feel under great pressure to set a good example for their children.

Nick Hu Zhe, born with “seal limb disease”, was born without limbs and only had a small meat ball on his left leg. However, he graduated from college at the age of 21 and got a double degree in accounting and financial planning, and he can also swim, play drums, surf, dive, golf and other skills that ordinary people can not be good at at at the same time. He is eager to get married and have children. He married a Japanese beauty in 2012.

Nick’s 6-year-old photo

Assuming that they have children, many people believe that he can become a successful father and cultivate excellent children, because he is the famous inspirational master who has no limbs. His book “Life is not limited” and his story of bravely facing physical disabilities and creating miracles of life have influenced and inspired many people in Africa, Asia, Australia and other countries.

When Nick was born, his father was scared to throw up outside the delivery room. His mother didn’t dare to hold him until he was 4 months old.

However, his parents still use love, strength and support to help his child grow up. At 18 months old, his father put him into the water to learn to swim. At 6 years old, his father taught him to type with two small toes. At school age, he sent him to an ordinary primary school. At 10 years old, Nick wanted to commit suicide. His parents encouraged him to face difficulties and integrate into society; When I was 13 years old, I read articles about the success of the disabled in the newspaper, and was inspired to set goals since then; At the age of 17, he began to speak

As ordinary parents, we are lucky to have healthy and smart children compared with Nick’s parents, although we don’t have the financial resources of stars and rich parents to sign up for high-priced counseling classes and huge summer camps for our children.

Children love, trust and obey their parents as soon as they are born. How parents educate and how children grow up, the most important meaning of parents for children is to help children take care of their own lives.

He Jiang, born in a farmer’s family in Hunan, is the first Chinese at Harvard to receive this honor as a representative of Harvard University’s outstanding graduates.

He Jiang’s father is a carpenter and his mother is a housewife, but his parents love him and his brother very much. His mother loves his family and is industrious and kind, which is an example of He Jiang’s hard work. His father often tells his son stories about big cities, and encourages He Jiang to open his mind and continue to pursue better. He Jiang’s parents often let their children give lectures to themselves.

With the love and encouragement of He Jiang’s parents, He Jiang has been seeking advice from more teachers and friends on his way to life, setting his own life goals and enriching his life through continuous learning.

Just like in “Thousand and Thousand Searches”, when Chihiro’s parents turned into pigs and could not recognize them at all, Chihiro could only take care of herself. She could trust the trusted person, Xiao Bailong, to work hard at the boiler grandpa for the opportunity to change, and to serve customers independently under the guidance of Xiaoling.

Chihiro always has a belief in his heart: I must remember my name, which is the only way to go home.

At the end of the film, Chihiro said goodbye to Amber River and went out of the cave to return to the human world. At the moment of seeing his parents, Chihiro was different from before.

Although both parents and Chihiro can’t remember their experiences in the mysterious world, the audience can still see Chihiro’s growth from Chihiro’s firm steps and generous actions.

Even though this experience was not accompanied by parents, the love, strength and support gained from parents always flowed in Chihiro’s blood. Chihiro used these innate strengths to learn and grow from others.

For parents, it is also necessary to understand that they believe that children have enough of themselves, and let them go to experience at the right time, feel their children’s growth, and continue to accompany them on a longer life path.

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