The movie “Shawshank Redemption” is really a must-see movie in life. It is a movie suitable for men, women and children to watch at any time, especially when they are confused, confused, miserable or desperate. Watching this movie can increase people’s power to get out of trouble, arouse people’s yearning for a better life and a free life.This is a film similar to “The Earl of Monte Cristo”.one Andy, the banker, was wrongly sentenced to life imprisonment. He was accused of killing his wife and his wife’s lover. No one believes that he is innocent. He was sent to a prison called Shawshank. In Shawshank, Andy completed the redemption of himself and his cellmates.

Andy, who arrived at Shawshank for the first time, did not cry, cry and collapse, and silently accepted the reality. He was beaten and insulted. He was often beaten with scars on his face and never gave in. The prison guard talked about financial management during the chat. He put forward rationalization suggestions, which made the prison guard get the best benefit. In return, the prison guards gave Andy’s inmates two bottles of beer each. Andy has won people’s admiration and respect. The prison guards lined up to find Andy to help them manage their money.

The warden checked Andy’s goods and measured his ability for the reason of checking the goods. The bad guy who often bullies Andy has his leg broken by the prison guard, and Andy is transferred to the library management office to become Lao Bu’s assistant. Andy spent six years writing letters to the relevant departments and got funding. The library has added some new books and the area has increased. The prisoners have a reading room and can also listen to music while reading. Andy played music to the prisoners on the prison radio, and the prisoners were intoxicated with it, and the soul gained great freedom. He made chess pieces and boards and played chess with his cellmates.

The warden abused his power and engaged in malpractice for personal gain, and asked Andy to fake accounts and launder money for him. Andy also washes clothes and polishes shoes for the warden.

Andy helped Tommy learn to read and get into college. Another prison inmate Tommy knew talked to him about Andy’s case. The prisoner killed Andy’s wife and Andy’s wife’s lover.

Andy is innocent. He spent 19 years in prison for nothing! Andy finds the warden and tells the truth. Tommy can testify for him. The prison sent someone to shoot Tommy, charged Tommy with prison break, and put Andy in prison for three months. The warden will continue to use Andy to make false accounts and launder money for him. Andy has the evidence of his crime, and he can’t let Andy leave. No matter whether Andy is guilty or not, Andy can only stay in prison forever until he dies in prison. Andy refused to continue working for the warden. The warden threatened him to throw him into the middle of sadism and seal up the library.

Andy pretends to give in and continues to work for the warden. When the time was ripe, he escaped from prison. He spent 19 years chiseling a hole in the wall of his cell with a pocket duckbill hammer. He climbed from the hole into the broken sewer. It’s dirty in the sewer. He climbed out of the sewer and threw away his clothes.

After the prison break, Andy took out the money in the bank and asked the bank staff to send a letter of accusation by using the false identity prepared for the warden to make an account. The warden and vicious prison guards are punished as they deserve. He went to Sivatanejo and lived a free life.


Andy is the embodiment of the wise, benevolent and brave. Wise people are good at creating conditions, benevolent people have cohesion and influence, brave people are invincible, not afraid of any difficulties and obstacles, and cut through the thorns.

Andy did not drift with the tide in his predicament, was not blackened in the mud, abandoned himself, and lost his virtue. He is patient and strong. After being sentenced to life imprisonment, he did not cry, complain, or collapse. When beaten or insulted by others, he fought back fiercely and repeatedly. He has spent six years writing letters to the relevant departments persistently to request funding, and the reading environment of the library has achieved success. He likes reading, listening to music, and helping others. He helped some prisoners obtain college diplomas. He has foresight. From the time he was in prison, he was ready to escape. He is good at camouflage and waiting for opportunities. Who would have thought that there was a big hole behind the picture of beauty on his wall? He had prepared for 19 years before he escaped from prison. He has always been dreaming and yearning for a better future.

Andy treats people around him friendly and makes them feel spiritual freedom. He allows the prisoners to break through the barriers of reality in the library and music and reach a free mental state.

Andy helped his friend Red face up to the new life. He left Andy a sum of money and a letter at the agreed place and told him: “Maybe you can go a little further. I need a good person to work with me. I look forward to your arrival. The chessboard is ready. Red, please remember: Hope is a good thing, maybe the best thing. And good things will never disappear. I hope you find this letter, and I hope you are all right.” Red embarked on a new journey. He is full of expectations for the future. He hopes to meet Andy and hope that the water in the Pacific Ocean is as blue as his dream. He wants to see Andy at the seaside. Andy is repairing a boat.


It is a good thing to have hope. Be hopeful in any difficult situation. Don’t give up hope for a better future, no matter how hard you are. Hope is a beacon in the dark, which can guide people to move forward. Hope is a spirit of never giving up and never giving up.

I hope the years will be quiet, I hope everyone is kind, safe, happy and healthy, and I hope everyone can realize their dreams.

I hope that time is not old, and you and I will stay young forever.

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