Hamlet, a classic work of Shakespeare, is based on the revenge of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. He pretended to be crazy and fooled everyone, and silently planned his revenge plan. Finally, he succeeded in revenge for his father, but he also paid the price of his life and caused indelible damage to others, such as crazy Ophelia The dead queen and leotis. Hatred is like a sharp sword, leaving indelible scars on people.

Hamlet’s revenge is obviously the main line of the article. He was undoubtedly sad when he learned the news of his father’s death. He said to his mother, “My dark coat, the mourning clothes prescribed by the etiquette and customs, the barely exhaled sighs, the tears like the rolling river, the sad and depressed face, and all the rituals, appearances and sad expressions can’t express my true feelings. These are really for people to see, because anyone can make it look like this. They are just sad decorations and clothes; but my gloomy thoughts can’t be expressed.” It can be seen that he loved his father deeply, and could not accept his father’s sudden death. He resented his mother’s remarriage just four months after his father’s death. He did not trust his uncle, and intuitively felt that his uncle and his father’s death were inseparable. Until he saw his father’s ghost and listened to all his father’s sufferings, he began to make up his mind to attack his father’s enemies. How much he loved his father, how much hatred he had in his heart, which meant that the end could only be pain.

Hamlet badmouthed at his former lover Ophelia, although at that time Ophelia was only a girl with a simple heart, full of yearning for love, and hope to stay with Hamlet forever. The hatred of death occupied his heart, and made him hate his uncle, as well as the powerful ministers around his uncle, and even the daughter of the powerful ministers. He could not kill his uncle for a while, so he began to work from Polonius. Although Polonius was not a perfect good man, he would not be killed by Hamlet with a sword.

The death of Polonius directly contributed to the revenge of Leotis and the madness of Ophelia, which was undoubtedly the root of Hamlet’s own. In the face of the sudden death of his father and the madness of his sister, Leotis felt no less hurt than Hamlet. It was also the misfortune of his relatives. Like Hamlet, Leotis naturally thought of revenge. After his sister fell into the water and died, his heart of revenge became stronger. His only thought now was to kill Hamlet. Although the revenge of Leotis appears later in the article, it is a clue that cannot be ignored.

Unlike Hamlet and Leotis, the revenge of Fortinbras, another person in the text, is based on the national interests. He wants to take advantage of the good opportunity of the death of the old Hamlet King to recover the lost land and attempt to launch a war. However, he was later oppressed by his uncle in power and had to give up such an idea, saying that he would never invade Denmark. This seems to be a failure for Fortinbras.

At the end of the article, Hamlet and Leotis compete with each other under the plan that the king thinks is smart. As a result, Hamlet, Leotis, the queen and the king all fell to death. In this revenge, no one is a winner, and no one is a winner. They killed their enemies, but also buried themselves. As for Fortinbras who came later, no one knows what the end of Fortinbras was. Maybe he succeeded in becoming the new king of Denmark, or he was driven out of Denmark by the Danish people. Who knows? However, Shakespeare seems to have arranged a turnaround in this tragedy. Before Leotis died, he said to Hamlet: “Honorable Hamlet, let us forgive each other; I don’t blame you for killing me and my father, and you don’t blame me for killing you!” And Hamlet also said to Leotis: “God forgive your mistakes! I am with you too.” All the people who are full of hatred died, but they forgive each other, so that hatred is no longer the theme of life. All the protagonists ended with death, and let hatred also end in death.

Tragedy is often more impressive than comedy and makes people reflect on themselves, so as to explore why such a tragedy occurs and how to avoid it. I think the theme of Hamlet is to let us put down hatred and forgive each other, because hatred can only lead to hatred and cause unnecessary harm. Only when hatred is attributed to death can the beautiful flower of human nature blossom. But if the death of hatred can only be based on the death of people, what is the significance? There is an old saying in China: When is the time for retribution. When tragedy happens to us, all emotions – anger, unwillingness, grievance, complaint and so on – are normal. However, compared with revenge, it seems that we should think more about how to make hatred not continue, but also let the evil forces be punished. This is not an easy thing, but it is more worthy of our discussion.

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