The US team unexpectedly did not ejaculate like the Iron Man or the Women’s Federation. Instead, one movie rose to the sky higher than the other, and the image of a spiritual leader who will always be supported by others was completely portrayed. The stunt of “civil war” made people nervous for two hours, but it was wonderful to use it to end the trilogy. When the big screen showed “Spiderman will come back”, the captain heard that the little spider came from Queens and said “Brooklyn” with a smile, which suddenly played back in his mind, as if he had completed a reincarnation. No reasonable or unexpected person died, and he was alive, which was originally impossible. Because he is so good that the world can’t match him – and he is really my best American captain.

He should be regarded as one of the more boring revenge. Many sisters told me that the captain’s character and ability are not attractive among the revenge crowd. Why do you like him! Especially foreign girls, because Chinese girls at least look at their faces and breasts.

It is true that great light is often accompanied by false sky, which is the theorem that the people have summed up in their arduous practice. Even Iron Man laughed at his star-spangled clown appearance. How could it compare with Tony Stark, a “billionaire, philanthropist and playboy”; Not to mention that this “old popsicle” never tells jokes, and basically can’t understand jokes. It is also an old virgin whose connection and kissing technology will be questioned. It is a fact that he is many years older than most of his teammates. But even in his own era – the era he hid in his heart, but always remembered – isn’t he an outlier? Is there anyone else besides him who would join the army and fight at the expense of cheating in the medical certificate repeatedly? Is there anyone else besides him who would cover the “bomb” with his own body and shout to let his teammates escape at the same time? Can there be another little one besides him who can stand up again and again and never teach others to knock him down? “I can do this for a day,” I heard him say again this time.

Maybe it’s really an antique. Things change, and the captain hasn’t changed. Some people think that the captain is born in the army and represents the country, so he should agree with the UN regulation more than the Iron Man. This is just to underestimate the captain, because he never fights for the system. When he shouted angrily at the Iron Man, “She is still a child”, you became more convinced that the captain always fought for humanity. This is what the person who gave him strength had long believed. He died without regret. He knew that he had chosen the right person. He knew that only those who had tasted weak and small would understand the meaning of strong. He knew that Steve would be the best person.

Because he was a good man, he hardly lived for himself – he was a hero worshipped by everyone, but he didn’t want to date girls easily; He chose to bury himself in the endless cold, and missed the invitation dance for more than half a century. Every time you see this falling scene, you will cry, just like Peggy listens to his lover’s voice disappearing into the air. She said, “I have lived a good life, but I’m sorry you haven’t.” And he said, “I just want to do the right thing.” And he himself was the right thing.

People may forget that it was he who drilled into the weapons warehouse of the Divine Shield Bureau and questioned the director’s intention when everyone was suspicious. It was he who expressed his doubts when the director first displayed the “Insight Plan”. It was he who resolutely asked to dissolve the Divine Shield Bureau infiltrated by the Hydra. Even the director who was not able to pull the wind obediently obeyed: It seems that you are giving the order now, captain. He is a natural leader, but he never uses it to control others. “The captain’s order.” – Even the technicians he has never met are willing to listen. This time, in the face of the regulatory agreement of the United Nations, he said no again, because he knew that putting people under security and fear in the name of freedom would not bring freedom. Once again, the facts proved that he was right: see how the United Nations treated the avenger on the side of the captain. This just explains why the captain has always believed in Baki’s innocence and protected his comrade-in-arms regardless of all opposition. Bucky came from the era of Steve, the weak chicken in Brooklyn. He was the only person who treated Steve equally and lived with him day and night before he became a strong man.

The captain understands and believes in human nature. He clearly knows that the kindness of protecting the weak cannot disappear because of brainwashing. Just like when Bucky rescued Steve from the evil fist again and again, the captain always stood by his old friend when the whole world was chasing the winter soldiers… This is his best return for the friendship of the year, and this is the most fascinating tenderness of the captain who I don’t say rude words or understand jokes.

Who said Captain America was boring and lacking in interest? He is exactly a man full of tenderness. He looks at his shy smile on the screen, and he is calm when he falls into the aircraft; When he woke up, the first thing he thought of was the date he could not go to. In order to keep his promise to be a good man, he was 70 years late for his love.

The whole American Captain series is full of strong retro feelings, because he is from the past that is easy to be glorified by memory. Like the legendary medieval knight, he was surrounded by the precious spirit that was praised by human beings. He sacrificed himself for the truth, humble but just, brave and upright, self-denial but pursuit of freedom. However, those who know a little about the history of the Middle Ages know that the so-called chivalry is just the expectation of modern people for the good character of mankind – and Captain America is the embodiment of this kind of good.

No one can be like him, because such people do not exist. Everyone in the Women’s Federation has a greedy, hateful and delusional side of their real human nature, but the captain does not – he symbolizes an ideal and is a perfect model different from the real world, which is probably the reason why he looks boring.

However, I like the captain most. I love him, just as I love the human nature and freedom he wants to exchange for even at the expense of his life. I looked at him and knew clearly that a man like him could not live in this world – but he was always fighting for it. He himself is all the goodness and justice I can imagine – let me be grateful to him.

In fact, when I watched the movie, I also secretly complained about how the writer was so unfriendly to the Iron Man this time. It was almost the second villain. After seeing such a large amount of iron powder wailing and defending after the domestic release, I realized how simple my thoughts were at that time. Look at the comments below and you can see why I wrote: “Because he is too good to be worthy of him in this world”.

The signing of a binding agreement you agree with and the lynching of enemies you sympathize with are contradictory. It is logical to support the former and oppose the latter, and vice versa. Of course, it’s no big deal to support these two points at the same time. The hard point is hypocrisy, double standard, logic confusion, inconsistent words and deeds. The good point is that people are fans, understandable. Because in the end, I am also a fan, but I know that not offending other fans is the bottom line of being an innocent fan.

Therefore, please don’t show up in the comment area if you say that the US team is rubbish. Even if you say that the gods are at dusk, I won’t change it. If you want to comment here for the purpose of disgusting me, I think you are more rubbish than the US team you think is rubbish.

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